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Sziasztok! Jó volt a tali:) Puszi Frenikinek a házi gazdának!
Hi Everybody! I have just found an interview with Hayden C. He is still very hansome! and this is his newest film: Have a good weekend!
As I saw Miss Slovakia was not on the top too. Her grammer not as bad as the hungarian girl and her pronunciation also better too. It seems to me that is really true that those girls who are pritty not clever at all!
Dear Forum Friends, I would like to invite you for a game. The game's name what mistakes she did? Enjoy! If you did not find all of them I will tell. Ps: This is the worst English I have ever heard in my life, but we can draw a conclusion the most important thing in English to keep the tenses.
Egyettértek Donáttal! Én középsuliba soha nem puskáztam, az egyetemen eddig egyetlen egszer angol fonetikából a fonetikai átírásnál, mert azok a jelek kb olyanok mintha kinai vagy japán írás lenne. Oldfighter tetszetek a vicceid!
Dear Forum Friends, This is a funny video about the differences between The Welsh and The English: Enjoy as well!
Dear Forum Friends, If you are interested in the differences between the British and American accent I have just found a very funny video with Hugh Laurie the actor who plays Dr House. enjoy!
Köszönöm szépen! Én csak egy tucatnyi angol- amerikai irodalommal tudok szolgálni cserébe, de avval nagyon szívesen!
Én legutoljára Agnes Caso: Egy királyné naplója című könyvet olvastam az én Szeretett Sisimről:) Imádok minden vele kapcsolatos könyvet vagy a Habsburgokkal foglalkozót. Szóval ha vknek van a könyvespolcán ilyen témájú könyv szívesen fogadom!
Frenki! Tetszik a hozzáállásod, jó hogy ha az ember nyitott a másik zenei stilúsára! :D Nálunk ez Orkival úgy szokott müködni, hogy én megyek vele rock koncertre ő meg jön velem operettre vagy musical-re. Bűszke vagyok sikerült vele megkedveltetnem ezen műfajokat! Én mostanság és leginkább az esti órákban Wolvgang A. Mozartot szoktam hallgatni, olyan megnyugtató és segít a meditálásban. Tudtátok hogy a zene terápiában gyakran alkalmazzák, mert zenéje fájdalomcsillapító hatással bír? Én már tapasztaltam! ( Ha ilyen változékony az idő gyakran fáj a lábam és hamarabb múlik a fájdalom ha Őt hallgatom)
Hi everybody! Let me recommed hilariously funny film what I have just seen with my family. The title is Grown ups and the major characters are : Adam Sendler , Rob Schneider and Salma Hayek. It is worth seeing!
Egy messzi- messzi galaxis Egy messzi- messzi galaxis a csilagok nélkül, Az vagyok én ha Orki nincs velem Körülöttem fény nem derül Ha Őt nem lelem. Ő a fény az éjjszakába lelkem viruló virága. Hiányától hervadok levegőt nem kapok. Ám jő a hajnal hallom léptét már. Tárva az ajtó és a fényben ott vár! Hiányzol orki!!
Yes Miss Karrde not this friday but on the next friday i think i will be there. I go there during the university semester as well so as to practise english as much as possible. I
Dear Frenki and Forum Friends, Frenki I'm so glad you liked my grammer leson! Here is the next about past simple. This tense is very useful when you have to tell a picture story at a language exam. 1. To express habitual actions in the past. ex: Last year I always drove to work. 2. It is used for actions completed in the past. ex: I learnt a lot of things at school.3. Story telling ex: Then the prince kissed Sleeping Beauty. 4. With the following adverbs of time: YESTERDAY, LAST NIGHT, MONTH WEEK AT 5 O1CLOCK, IN 1988 EX: I was born in 1988 or Last year he got a Nobel Prize. Odri
Dear Forum Friend especially Miss Karde, Let me recommend a very nice place where you can practise speaking english in live. This coffee house called Rézkigyó it is open every friday night and located In the corner of Paulay Ede street and Kády Gyula street you can acess from Deák Tér. There is a live music and very low- price sweets as well. I have got friends there. I will be there next friday and I would be glad Miss Karde if you could join to me!
Dear Forum Friends, I have just seen that you have many questions about the use of the tenses. First I will tell when you have to use the present simple and the present cont. The use of the Present Simple: 1. To express habitual actions with adverbs like OFTEN, ALWAYS,USUALLY, NEVER ex: I often go abroad in summer. 2. If we speak something in general.ex: Waiters work in restaurants. 3. If we speak about something which is always true.ex: The Earth goes round the Sun. 4. It can be used for dramatic narrative when we describe of a play/ opera ect. ex: and Diego Maradona throws the ball into the goal! 5. It can be used for a planned future action usally refere to a journey. ex: The train leaves at 8 o'clock. 6. To express changable situation often used verbs: DECLINE, FALL, DECREASE,INCREASE, IMPROVE, GET BETTER/GET WORSE/ GET LATE / GET DARK ex: The rate of unemployment is increasing.7. To express the speaker's annoyment. ex: He is always asking stupid questions!! 8. It can express determined plans in the future. ex: Tomorrow I'm having lunch with my boss. I hope I could help and later I'm going to tell you about the use of the present cont.
Dear Forum Friends, I have just realised that you were talking about language examas! Let me share my experiences with everybody. I had done EUro language exam which was sad to be the 2nd difficult one after Rigó exam. The exam contained 3 parts. writing which meant you had to choose between 3 given composition topics and wrote about 300+/- words. Garammer part: cointained reading comprehension multiplie choice execise and mistake corrections. The oral part contained: picture discription situation dialoge with youre partner and general opinon about a given topic. I can recommend these language exam those who have very self - confident grammer knowledge. :)Lastly, If you have any question about english grammer feel free to ask me because I'm willing to help you and probably you know that I'm studying english at university:)
Banyek! Életemben először átaludtam a Hungaroringet!! Még jó hogy itt értesülhetek mi történt a futamon.
Hi everybody! let me recommend an interview with Ewan Mcgregor. Have fun and enjoy the scottish pronunciation.
Kedves Forumosok!( Ildi , Frenki stb) Végre sikerült belépnem e messzi- messzi galaxisba! Üdv: Orki húgi Odri