Leslye, egy az epizód kapcsán készített interjúban elárulta mi volt a koncepció a Brendokkal. Az jelenlévő konvergencia a Jediket is odacsalta csak úgy, mint a boszorkányokat, akik azért telepedtek le ott mert az erejüket felerősítette a hely sajátossága. A lakhelyük valóban egy bánya volt régebben, amit a The Thing című filmhez hasonlított. Magyarán találtak ott valamit a bányászok, aztán mind eltűntek. Később érkeztek meg a boszorkányok akik elfoglalták a helyet. Ez magyarázza miért ájtatoskodnak fekete szemmel a baljóslatú lyuk mellett a boszorkányok.
"Once we broke episode three and seven we decided that Brendok had to be a location of a vergence for a couple different reasons. One for the motivation of the Jedi, in terms of their mission and why they’re on Brendok in the first place. We also felt it was very important the witches had found that planet, because their power alone would not match an outside threat. They would need to have the augmentation or the amplification of a vergence. We did not want the witches to just automatically be as powerful as Jedi.
The witches needed to feel like a nomadic community that had finally found a place that would not only give them shelter and protection, but would also grant them more and more power and control over their ability.
My backstory to the witches of Brendok and where they are is that Torbin mentions it’s an old mining company. So I sort of imagine that it’s a little bit like John Carpenter’s The Thing, right? There are all these miners there, they were drilling, they found something, and then everybody was gone. And the next thing you know, 50, 60, a hundred years later, this coven moves in. A couple years after that, the Jedi start to move there. It’s almost like a magnet that’s pulling these characters toward it."