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TCW februárban?

Ody Mandrell

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A Jedi News egy német cikket talált, mely azt állítja, hogy a The Clone Wars be nem mutatott részeit február 15-én kezdi el adni a SuperRTL. Minden szombaton más történetszálat adnának le. Egyelőre nyolc rész tartalma van meg, ezeknek a címe és további négy darab cím.




  • State Unknown
    Clone cadet Tup is suffering from a severe neurological disorder that causes the death of a Jedi master. Trying to find the motives for the assassination, Anakin escorts Tup back to Kamino for examination, but then they are attacked by the Separatists…
  • Conspiracy
    Clone cadet Tup is undergoing a medical examination in the sterile laboratories of Kamino to find the motives for his shocking attack on the Jedi master. For the examination to succeed, cadet Fives must enter the depth of Tup’s mind, where he finds a secret code manipulation in the cloning program of the Republic.
  • Fight or Flight
    Clone cadet Tup is transported back to Coruscant, where his body is to be examined by the chancellor’s personal physician. Cadet Fives is also investigating the matter and discovers that a modified code has been hidden in the minds of all the clones…
  • Orders
    Fives is still trying to find answers regarding the mysterious actions of clone cadet Tup. Hoping to personally speak with chancellor Palpatine, Fives finds himself suddenly accused of trying to murder the chancellor and decides to make a run for it.


  • An Old Friend
    While on a mercy mission to the planet Scipio, Padmé Amidala’s’ old flame, Rush Clovis, gets in touch with her asking for help. Having made a stand against the corruption on his planet, Clovis has now become the target of the bounty hunter Embo. Together with Padmé, he is now trying to leave his planet and get help…
  • The Rise Of Clovis
    Back on Coruscant, Clovis strikes a dubious deal to becomes the leader of his clan which is deeply mired in corruption. Anakin doesn’t trust Clovis, causing tensions in his relationship to Padmé.
  • Crisis At The Heart
    Having made a deal with Count Dooku, Clovis finds himself drawn into the war. Since it was him who brought the war to his home planet of Scipio, the Republic is now forced to intervene.
  • The Disappeared (Part 1)
    The peaceful world of Bardotta finds itself threatened by an ancient prophecy. Since now of all times its spiritual leaders have vanished, Bardotta’s people ask their representative in the senate for help. And Jar Jar Binks indeed manages to convince Jedi master Mace Windu that this matter is of grave importance…

A további négy cím pedig: The Disappeared (Part 2), The Lost One, Voices, Destiny and Sacrifice. Mit gondoltok, lehet ennek valóságalapja? Ha igen, akkor pontosan egy hónap múlva ismét TCW-t nézhetünk!




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