Hát igen, az angol milliószor jobb! Grievous hangja nagyon-nagyon-nagyon jó, a magyarban viszont... khmm... a "grívesz"-ről már nem is beszélve (csak tudnám, hogy az "ou"-ból hogy lesz "e"????)
Itt egy kis érdekesség: (ne kérdezzétek, hogy mi, és hogy találtam ki!
Palpatine megítélése:
I don't know how much longer I can hold off the vote my friends... (Palpatine EpII)
->This is a crisis... the Senate must vote to the chancellor the emergancy powers! (Mas Amedda EpII)
->The chancellor doesn't seen to be corrupt... (Anakin EpII)
->But Palpatine is a politician (Obi-wan EpII)
->(s)he is a politcian, so (s)he is not to be trusted (Obi-wan EpII)
->I know you can trust me, Anakin (Palpatine, EpIII)
->They don't trust you, Anakin... (Palpatine EpIII)
->They want me to spy on the chancellor?! (Anakin EpIII)
->I think he is a good man... (Anakin EpII)
->Good is a point of view, Anakin! (Palpatine EpIII)
A Köztársaság alakulása:
... more and more Star systems are joining the separatists... (Palpatine EpII)
->This is the first civil war since the formation of the Republic! (Sio Babble EpII)
->In the name of the galactic Senate of the Republic... you're under arrest, chancellor! (Mace Windu, EpIII)
->You must realise that aren't enough Jedi to protect the Republic... we are the keepers of the peace, not soldiers! (Mace Windu, EpII)
->You have restored peace and justice to the galaxy... (Sidious, EpIII)
->I've restored peace and justice to my new EMPIRE! (Anakin, EpIII)
->Your new EMPIRE?! (Obi-wan, EpIII)
->The Republic will be reorganized into the first GALACTIC EMPIRE! (Sidious EpIII)
Anakin átállása:
... my negotiations will not fail. (Palpatine, EpII)
-> Kill him! (Palpatine EpIII)
-> I shouldn't... (Anakin EpIII)
-> DO IT! (Palpatine EpIII)
-> This wasn't the Jedi way... (Anakin EpIII)
-> The Sith and the Jedi are similar almost every way... (Palpatine EpIII)
->Jedi use their power for good... (Anakin EpIII)
->Good is a point of view, Anakin! (Palpatine EpIII)
->What's wrong, Annie? (Padmé, EpII)
->I've killed them... (Anakin EpII)
->Do what must be done... (Sidious, EpIII)
->Anakin, Anakin, NOOOO! (Qui-gonn EpII)