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Clone Wars DVD és Blu-Ray megjelenés!

Ody Mandrell

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Clone Wars DVD és Blu-Ray megjelenés!



November 11 -én jelenik meg a The Clone Wars mozi DVD és Blu-Ray formátumban. Nem aprózták el a srácok a dolgot, hiszen öt féle változatban kerül majd a boltok polcaira. Ezek eloszlása a következő: 3 DVD és 2 Blu-Ray kiadás. A specifikációk a következők lesznek:


* The Clone Wars: The Untold Stories: Preview stories, vehicles, planets, and battles from Season One of The Clone Wars television series. (This feature is in Hi-Def on Blu-ray).

* The Voices of The Clone Wars: Meet the voiceover actors and see them perform their craft. (This feature is in Hi-Def on Blu-ray).

* Gallery of Concept and Production Art (This feature is in Hi-Def on Blu-ray).

* Webdocs: Six making-of featurettes, as seen on StarWars.com (This feature is in Hi-Def on Blu-ray).

* Deleted Scenes: Cargo Bay, Platform Droid Fight, Rancor Pit and Through the Tanks

* The New Score: Kevin Kiner leads a 90-piece orchestra to create the unique sound of The Clone Wars movie and series. (This feature is in Hi-Def on Blu-ray)

* Theatrical and videogame trailers (This feature is in HI-Def on Blu-ray)

* A digital copy of the movie to watch on the go.

* Take the Hologram Memory Challenge: Test your skill and memory and unlock three hi-def TV series sneak peeks


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Edited by Ody Mandrell
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