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Jó kis kép sikerült a próbálkozásból :D
Sky nagyon jó lett. Kezdj egy kicsit több arcot rajzolni. Nézz utána hogy kell, és még szebb lesz!

Köszi! :D

Eleinte, de többnyire még ma is csak arcokat rajzoltam. :) Persze grafittal, ami azért máshogy viselkedik, mint a tinta. Itt van néhány régebbi rajzom. Nem SW-témájú és sok helyet is foglal, úgyhogy spoiler mögé teszem:





Szerkesztve: - Darth Sky
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Nagyon jó Sky. Én mondjuk kifejezetten utáltam mindig is grafittal dolgozni, mert balkezes vagyok és valahogy ezért mindig elmasztoltam az egészet, de ezek tényleg jók. Mahone szeme az egyetlen amin kicsit változtatni kéne de ezt szerintem te is tudod.

Szóval csak így tovább! Grat!


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Most találtam egy Star Wars, Starcraft összekeverést :)

Szólok előre hogy angolt :D


The Queen of Blades had just lost badly to Count Dooku. She had alot to learn in order to combat things like him or Obi-Wan Kenobi. Count Dooku helped the girl up "My Dear child, as promised I will allow you to join the Seperatist Alliance. And I will train you with the power of the Force. You will also be given a Lightsaber or two to battle against our foes."


Infested Kerrigan nodded "Thank you Count Dooku."


So Count Dooku began training Kerrigan in the ways of the Darkside of the Force. Months would pass and Zerg Swarm were still engaging and defeating the Republic's forces whom dared to invade Char with brutal ease. Kerrigan herself had become stronger killing alot of Jedi Padawans for 'friendly competion' for General Greivous. Finally Count Dooku let her come into the room.


"Master?" Kerrigan asked him.


"Your skills are improving my child" he stated "Now it's time for you to develop your skills."


"What's the catch?" Kerrigan asked.


"You're Zerg Swarm my child is really effective against them! And have them running for their lives please allow General Grevious to command your men for this mission. It is a joint operation mission. The Droid General will lead the Droid armies and a bit of your Zerg Swarm, and drive the Republic out of hiding."


He paused bringing out a diagram and it formed Ahsoka Tano "This is General Skywalker's Padawan... She is commanding the defense. While Grevous is distracting them, I want you to go in and kill the Padawan without any remorse at all."


Kerrigan's eyes widened "Why yes my Lord...You've spoke my word."


So the two allied Seperatist began their attack.


"Sir!" A Clone shouted in alarm as Zerglings appeared from under him "Zergs!"


Ahsoka Tano turned as the Trooper was ripped to shreads! Suddenly Battle Droid appeared firing.


"Zergs and Battle Droids!" Ahsoka shouted "Fall back we've got to alert the Republic!"


Then they saw General Greivous walking up.


"Oh-man" Ahsoka muttered "Grevious is leading the attack!"


The Clones fought a retreat and Ahsoka along with five other Clone Troopers managed to go into an Abandoned room only it was the communications room. She ran over to it but the closest Clone gasped for breath then fell lifeless. Ahsoka then heard screams as an unknown assassilant appeared killing all of the Clone Troopers without remorse.


"Sorry" a female voice stated as Ahsoka managed to use the Force to identify the Queen of Blades "But I can't allow you to call your forces for reinforcements."


"You must be Kerrgian the Blade Queen, the one that killed Master Ki-Adi-Mudi"


"Correct" Kerrigan stated and she brought out two red Lightsabers "Now are you ready to die today?"


When did she get two lightsabers? Ahsoka thought she activated hers "Alright Kerrigan, time to pay up for your crimes!"


"Oh" Kerrigan stated "I'm shaking in my boots."


The two prepared for a fight to the death or knock out match.

Szerkesztve: - misi920
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Eleinte, de többnyire még ma is csak arcokat rajzoltam. :) Persze grafittal, ami azért máshogy viselkedik, mint a tinta. Itt van néhány régebbi rajzom. Nem SW-témájú és sok helyet is foglal, úgyhogy spoiler mögé teszem:
A grafit kimondottan ilyen képekhez való, ahol az árnyékokkal játszik sokat az ember, és ez különösen az első képen mutat nagyon jól. :)
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Na elkészült!!! :D

Csak sajna rossz minőségbe szkennelt és nem tudtam javítani rajta :(

Ez az első árnyékolásos művem :)


ja, és csak egy sima rotring-al készítettem ezért is rosz a minősége :hmm:

Szerkesztve: - misi920
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