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6 perccel korábban, Ody Mandrell írta:

Leia és Ben se tanulta meg szerintem, ez a privilégium a kiválasztott családjánál adottság lehet? 

Miért ne tanulták volna meg? Minkettő Luke tanítványa volt, Leia lényegében Jedi lovaggá válás küszöbén állt, amikor visszalépett. Elég fura lenne, ha Luke nem tanította volna meg pont a rokonainak azt a trükköt, amivel a halál után is élhetnek. Sőt, Leia olyan jól képzett volt ebben a témában, hogy képes volt a halála után a fizikai síkon maradni, és csak akkor vállt eggyé az Erővel, amikor a fia is átlépett az Erő honába.

És pont a tény, hogy eltűntek, bizonyítja, hogy ők teljesen megtanulták, mert eddig csak azoknak a teste tűnt el, akik teljesen elsajátították ezt a tudást. Qui-Gon nem fejezte be a képzést a fizikai életében, a testée megmaradt. Anakin pedig még azelőtt Sith lett, hogy Bentől vagy Yodától megtanulhatta volna ezt, és az ő teste is megmaradt. Senkinek sem tűnt el, aki egyáltalán nem vagy csak részlegesen ismerte ezt a technikát, még ha azon két személy közül egyik közvetlen az Erő leszármazottja is volt. És ha Anakin a tudás hiányában nem tűnt el, akkor kizárt, hogy a leszármazottai válnának kámforrá, pláne úgy, hogy az egyik még vissza is tudja tartani magát az Erő honától és órákig a fizikai síkon tartja a holttestét.

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Luke honnan tudta volna? Pont a legritkább Jedi tulajdonságot? Na most ha azt mondod Yodától tanulta a Dagobah-n, megharaplak. Esélyes, hogy amikor Leiát tanította még nem tudott erről. 


Különben is, eddigi tudásunk szerint el kell menni a Papnőkhöz, és ha ott kiállod a próbát akkor szerezheted meg a tudást. 

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1 órával ezelőtt, Ody Mandrell írta:

Luke honnan tudta volna? Pont a legritkább Jedi tulajdonságot? Na most ha azt mondod Yodától tanulta a Dagobah-n, megharaplak. 

Jó, akkor nem Yodától a Dagobah-n, hanem Ben Kenobitól abban a három évben, amíg a Lázadók ide-oda vándoroltak a Galaxisban. Bocs, hogy a reális és logikus, abszolút kézenfekvő választ akartam adni, de akkor maradjunk az egy fokkal irreálisabbnál. Persze még belökhetném a Whilleket és az Atyát, de úgy érzem, az már túlzás lenne. :P 

Szóval inkább maradjunk Occam borotvájánál: Yodától tanulta el a Dagobah-n.

A tudás meg csak azért ritka a Jedik között, mert amíg Qui-Gon nem fedezte fel a Whilleknek hála (akik a Papnőkhöz hasonlóan mesterei voltak ennek a tudásnak), a Jedik nem is tudtak róla. Így nem csoda, hogy nem terjedt el. Ráadásul, amikor éppen terjeszteni kezdték, mit ad isten, kihaltak a Jedik. De talán pont ezért is logikus, hogy az utolsó Jediknek átadják ezt a tudást, aminek hála később is instruálhatják a felnövekvő nemzedéket. De már az abszurd elképzelés, hogy egy kihalt Rend utolsó túlélői valamilyen rejtélyes, sehol sem felfedett okból nem adnak át minden birtokukban lévő tudást az egyetlen embernek, akitől a Rend feltámasztását várják el.


2 órával ezelőtt, Ody Mandrell írta:

Esélyes, hogy amikor Leiát tanította még nem tudott erről. 

Mivel még a messzi-messzi Galaxisban sem mindennapi dolog, hogy az ember halottak szellemével beszélget (ugye, amikor Yoda ezzel előállt, Winduék kis híján elmebetegnek nyilvánították), így elég hihetetlen lenne, ha Luke nem jött volna már csak a józan paraszti eszét használva is arra, hogy ez egy Jedi trükk lehet. És ezek után nyilván eszébe sem jutott megkérdezni a Dagobah-n töltött hetek vagy hónapok alatt, a Jedi képzése során a mesterét, hogy hát ez mégis mi és hogyan lehetséges.


2 órával ezelőtt, Ody Mandrell írta:

Különben is, eddigi tudásunk szerint el kell menni a Papnőkhöz, és ha ott kiállod a próbát akkor szerezheted meg a tudást. 

Már vagy ötvenszer tisztáztuk, hogy nem, nem kell elmenni a Papnőkhöz. Nem áll hatalmukban megállítani Yodát abban, hogy annak adja tovább, akinek csak akarja. Eleve neki sem ők tanították meg.

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4 órával ezelőtt, Dzséjt írta:

Mivel még a messzi-messzi Galaxisban sem mindennapi dolog, hogy az ember halottak szellemével beszélget (ugye, amikor Yoda ezzel előállt, Winduék kis híján elmebetegnek nyilvánították), így elég hihetetlen lenne, ha Luke nem jött volna már csak a józan paraszti eszét használva is arra, hogy ez egy Jedi trükk lehet. És ezek után nyilván eszébe sem jutott megkérdezni a Dagobah-n töltött hetek vagy hónapok alatt, a Jedi képzése során a mesterét, hogy hát ez mégis mi és hogyan lehetséges.

Lehetett így is, de ez csak feltételezés. Én betettem volna egy ilyen jelenetet mert ez nagyon fontos. Lucas viszont Luke esetében nem törődött ezzel.


4 órával ezelőtt, Dzséjt írta:

Már vagy ötvenszer tisztáztuk, hogy nem, nem kell elmenni a Papnőkhöz. Nem áll hatalmukban megállítani Yodát abban, hogy annak adja tovább, akinek csak akarja. Eleve neki sem ők tanították meg.

Tényleg? Ötvenszer? Akkor legalább leírhatod, hogy Yodát minek küldte el Qui-Gon a papnőkhöz, ha ott semmit nem tanult. Ja és azt is, mi a módszer amivel elérhető a halhatatlanság? :) 


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Return of the Jedi

Chapter 49: Celebration

Time: 02:05:27-2:07:55




Látjuk ahogy galaxis szerte ünneplik a Birodalom bukását. Mindenhol tűzijátékok robbannak, a legkülönfélébb lények tódulnak ki az utcákra. Coruscanton a milliós tömeg ledönti Palpatine szobrát.

Eközben az Ewok falu főterének közepén hatalmas örömtüzek lobognak, hogy megünnepeljék az estét. Felkelők és Ewokok vigadnak a hűvös éjszakában a tűz melegénél – énekelnek, táncolnak, nevetnek, a győzelem és a szabadság közös nyelvén. Még Teebo és R2-D2 is kibékültek, és együtt táncolnak, a többiek pedig a zene ritmusára tapsolnak. Han, Leia és Chewbacca kicsit távolabb állnak a mulatozóktól. Némán, szorosan állnak egymás mellett. Időnként a faluba vezető utat lesik. Türelmük végül elnyeri jutalmát, Lando érkezik rohanvást, majd buzgón ölelkezik Hannal és Chewie-val. És végül, Luke is megjön, akihez odarohannak barátai, hogy üdvözöljék, és hogy megöleljék. Végérvényesen egymás részeivé váltak. Ez a kis társaság összekovácsolódott, új család született belőlük. Felkelők és Ewokok táncolnak egymással az ünneplés pillanataiban. Kalandoraink eredeti csoportja a tumultus széléről figyeli őket. Egyedül Luke tűnik zavartnak, arrébb sétál, gondolatai máshol járnak. Oldalra fordítva a fejét három pislákoló, mosolygó alakot pillant meg a homályos rengeteg szélén: Ben Kenobit, Yodát, és Anakin Skywalkert. Leia kézen fogja az utolsó Jedit, és visszahúzza magához és a többiekhez, vissza a melegség, a bajtársiasság és a szeretet körébe. Beköszöntött a béke korszaka.


Fejezet vége



Már elég régóta átváltozott érzéseket kelt bennem ez a rész végi ünneplés. Most már inkább keserédes, mert tudom, hogy mi következik ezután. A boldogság tünékeny, és ismerve a karakterek sorsát inkább szomorúság tölt el. A bolygók is ünnepelnek, pl. Tatooine, de most már beugrok Mos Pelgo ahol ezen az éjszakán pl. majdnem kiirtották az egész települést. Szóval árnyalták rendesen a dolgokat, de a folytatás fényében ez a jó.

Szerkesztve: - Ody Mandrell
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Egy újabb jelenet, amit azóta se tudok könnyek nélkül végignézni. És itt kimondottan jól tette Lucas, hogy a SE idején zenét változtatott (és egy újabb példa arra, hogy szerintem zeneileg miért a legerősebb az EP6 a kilenc film közül). Az új képsorok beillesztése nem különben. Igen, kicsit keserédes lett, de itt, ebben a pillanatban a katartikus eufória az, ami mindent meghatároz. A Galaxis népe ezt a pillanatot megérdemelte.

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Igen, itt a bővítéseket nagyon jól eltalálta. Galaktikus ünneplést varázsolt a végéből, ami azelőtt nem volt meg. A celebration zene mára pedig már klasszikussá vált. Azért nem semmi kontraszt lesz, hogy ezután időrendben a Mando első része jön. 

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  • 2 héttel később...

Return of the Jedi

Chapter 50: End Credits

Time: 02:07:56-2:14:47




Directed by 

Richard Marquand


Writing Credits  

Lawrence Kasdan...(screenplay by) and

George Lucas...(screenplay by)

George Lucas...(story by)


Cast (in credits order)

Mark Hamill...Luke Skywalker

Harrison Ford...Han Solo

Carrie Fisher...Princess Leia

Billy Dee Williams...Lando Calrissian

Anthony Daniels...C-3PO

Peter Mayhew...Chewbacca

Sebastian Shaw...Anakin Skywalker

Ian McDiarmid...The Emperor

Frank Oz...Yoda (voice)

James Earl Jones...Darth Vader (voice)

David Prowse...Darth Vader

Alec Guinness...Ben 'Obi-Wan' Kenobi

Kenny Baker...R2-D2 / Paploo

Michael Pennington...Moff Jerjerrod

Kenneth Colley...Admiral Piett

Michael Carter...Bib Fortuna

Denis Lawson...Wedge

Tim Rose...Admiral Ackbar

Dermot Crowley...General Madine

Caroline Blakiston...Mon Mothma

Warwick Davis...Wicket

Jeremy Bulloch...Boba Fett

Femi Taylor...Oola

Annie Arbogast...Sy Snootles

Claire Davenport...Fat Dancer

Jack Purvis...Teebo

Mike Edmonds...Logray

Jane Busby...Chief Chirpa

Malcolm Dixon...Ewok Warrior (as Malcom Dixon)

Mike Cottrell...Ewok Warrior

Nicolas Read...Nicki (as Nicki Reade)

Adam Bareham...Stardestroyer Controller #1

Jonathan Oliver...Stardestroyer Controller #2

Pip Miller...Stardestroyer Captain #1

Tom Mannion...Stardestroyer Captain #2

Margo Apostolos...Ewok (as Margo Apostocos)

Ray Armstrong...Ewok

Eileen Baker...Ewok

Michael Henbury Ballan...Ewok (as Michael H. Balham)

Bobby Bell...Ewok

Patty Bell...Ewok

Alan Bennett...Ewok

Sarah Bennett...Ewok

Pamela Betts...Ewok

Danny Blackner...Ewok (as Dan Blackner)

Linda Bowley...Ewok

Peter Burroughs...Ewok

Debbie Lee Carrington...Romba Ewok (as Debbie Carrington)

Maureen Charlton...Ewok

Willie Coppen...Ewok (as William Coppen)

Sadie Corre...Ewok (as Sadie Corrie)

Tony Cox...Ewok

John Cumming...Ewok

Jean D'Agostino...Ewok

Luis De Jesus...Ewok

Debbie Dixon...Ewok

Margarita Farrell...Ewok (as Margarita Fernandez)

Phil Fondacaro...Ewok

Sal Fondacaro...Ewok

Tony Friel...Ewok

Daniel Frishman...Ewok (as Dan Frishman)

John Ghavan...Ewok (as John Gavam)

Michael Gilden...Ewok

Paul Grant...Ewok

Lydia Green...Ewok

Lars Green...Ewok

Pam Grizz...Ewok

Andrew Herd...Ewok / Jawa

J.J. Jackson...Ewok

Richard Jones...Ewok

Trevor Jones...Ewok

Glynn Jones...Ewok

Karen Lay...Ewok

John Lummiss...Ewok

Nancy Maclean...Ewok

Peter Mandell...Ewok

Carole Morris...Ewok

Stacie Nichols...Ewok (as Stacy Nichols)

Chris Nunn...Ewok

Barbara O'Laughlin...Ewok

Brian Orenstein...Ewok

Harrell Parker Jr....Ewok

John Pedrick...Ewok

April Perkins...Ewok

Ronnie Phillips...Ewok

Katie Purvis...Ewok

Carol Read...Ewok

Nicholas Read...Ewok

Diana Reynolds...Ewok

Daniel Rodgers...Ewok

Chris Romano...Ewok

Dean Shackelford...Ewok

Kiran Shah...Ewok / EG-6

Felix Silla...Ewok

Linda Spriggs...Ewok

Gerald Staddon...Ewok

Josephine Staddon...Ewok

Kevin Thompson...Ewok

Kendra Wall...Ewok

Brian Wheeler...Ewok / Jawa

Butch Wilhelm...Ewok

Dalyn Chew...Jedi Rocks Dancer (special edition)

Celia Fushille-Burke...Jedi Rocks Dancer (special edition)

Mercedes Ngoh...Jedi Rocks Dancer (special edition)

Jennifer Jaffe...Jedi Rocks Dancer (special edition)


Rest of cast listed alphabetically:

Philip Edward Alexy...Imperial Officer - Special Edition (uncredited)

Hazel Allen...Yoxgit - Jabba's Ugnaught Gang Member (uncredited)

Peter Allen...Geezum - Member of Jabba's Gang (uncredited)

John Altman...Rebel Pilot (uncredited)

Franki Anderson...Buboicullaar - Jabba's Frog-Dog Bodyguard (uncredited)

Glyn Baker...Lieutenant Endicott - Imperial Officer (uncredited)

Erik Bauersfeld...Bib Fortuna / Admiral Ackbar (voice) (uncredited)

Dickey Beer...Barada / Stormtrooper / Biker Scout (uncredited)

Ailsa Berk...Amanaman - Jabba's Bounty Hunter (uncredited)

Don Bies...Barquin D'an / Boba Fett (special edition) (uncredited)

Richard Bonehill...Stormtrooper / Nien Nunb / Mon Calamari / Ree Yees / Mosep / Z-Winged Pilot / Tie Pilot (uncredited)

Darrell Brook...Rebel Pilot at Ewok Celebration (uncredited)

Russell Brook...Red X-wing Pilot (uncredited)

Paul Brooke...Malakili - Rancor Keeper (uncredited)

Ben Burtt...'Freeze' Officer in Endor Bunker / Tortured Power Droid (voice) (uncredited)

Maurice Bush...Dengar - The Bounty Hunter (uncredited)

Trevor Butterfield...Lieutenant Blount - Rebel Soldier / Trandoshan - Member of Jabba's Gang / Stormtrooper / Calamari Warrior / Giran - Malakili's Assistant (uncredited)

Rodney Cardiff...Lieutenant Grond - Imperial Shuttle Pilot (uncredited)

Vivienne Chandler...Dorovia Bold - X-Wing Fighter Pilot (uncredited)

David Church...Lieutenant Judder Page - Rebel Soldier (uncredited)

Tony Clarkin...Storm Trooper (uncredited)

Harold Cole...Darth Vader (uncredited)

Kenneth Coombs...Imperial Officer (uncredited)

Stephen Costantino...Gamorrean Guard (uncredited)

Sean Crawford...Saelt 'Yak Face' Marae -Member of Jabba's Gang / Mon Calamari Officer (uncredited)

Adeal Crooms...Wicket W. Warrick (voice) (uncredited)

Andy Cunningham...Ephant Mon (uncredited)

Ronny Cush...X-Wing Pilot (uncredited)

Daniel D'Arcy...Pilot (uncredited)

Kim Davis...Ewok (uncredited)

Jack Dearlove...Imperial Officer (uncredited)

Peter Diamond...Biker Scout Pushed Off Bike (uncredited)

Mark Dodson...Salacious Crumb (voice) (uncredited)

Michael Drew...Jake Farrell - Lead Rebel A-wing Pilot (uncredited)

Richard Driscoll...X-Wing Fighter (uncredited)

Tim Dry...J'Quille - Jabba's Bounty Hunter / Tanus Spijek - Jabba's Informant (uncredited)

Ian Durrant...Rebel (uncredited)

Tracey Eddon...Rebel Soldier (uncredited)

Douglas Farrell...Ewok (uncredited)

Alan Flyng...Imperial Officer - Executor (uncredited)

Ernie Fosselius...Giran - Rancor Keeper (voice) (uncredited)

Stuart Fox...Death Star Trooper Jad Bean (uncredited)

Gary Friedkin...Ewok (uncredited)

Leroy Golding...Rebel Soldier at Death Star Briefing (uncredited)

David Gonzales...Ak-Rev - Drummer & Percussionist of The Max Rebo Band (uncredited)

Isaac Grand...Gamorrean Guard (uncredited)

Anthony Guilding...Rebel Crewman (uncredited)

Nelson Hall...Doda Bodonawieedo / Boba Fett (special edition) (uncredited)

Poppy Hands...Rebel Pilot Sila Kott (uncredited)

Gordon Hann...Captain Yutani - Rebel Soldier (uncredited)

Alan Harris...Stormtrooper (uncredited)

Mike Havord...Colonel Jendon - Imperial Co-Pilot of ST321 (uncredited)

Lynne Hazelden...Karie Neth - Y Wing Pilot, Grey Squadron (uncredited)

Walter Henry...Council Member in Briefing Room (uncredited)

Frank Henson...Skiff Guard / Biker Scout / Stormtrooper (uncredited)

Philip Herbert...Hermi Odle - Jabba's 2nd Servant (uncredited)

Barrie Holland...Lt. Renz - 'Rebel Scum' Officer in Bunker (uncredited)

Larry Holt...Taym Dren-garen / Biker Scout / Sergeant Bruckman (uncredited)

Gerald Home...Tessek / Mon Calamari Officer (uncredited)

Velma Horne...Oola (uncredited)

William Hoyland...Imperial Commander (uncredited) (unconfirmed)

Colin Hunt...Rancor Guard / Rebel Ranger (uncredited)

Carolyn Irving...Jabba's Palace Dancer (uncredited)

Jasper Jacob...Captain Yorr - Imperial Pilot of ST321 (uncredited)

Monty Jordan...Weequay Skiff Guard (uncredited)

Michael Josephs...Janus Greejatus - Emperor Palpatine's Advisor (uncredited)

Paul Kirby...Imperial Officer (uncredited)

Paul Klein...BG-J38 - Jabba's Robot Servant (uncredited)

Eiji Kusuhara...Lieutenant Telsij - Grey Squadron (uncredited)

Larin Lahr...GONK Droid (uncredited)

Anthony Lang...Sim Aloo - Emperor Palpatine's Advisor (uncredited)

Arnold Lee...Rayc Ryjerd - Jabba's Smuggler (uncredited)

Julius LeFlore...Skiff Master / Yotts Orren / Stormtrooper / Biker Scout (uncredited)

Richard Lentz...Jet Technician (uncredited)

Swee Lim...Hoover (uncredited)

John Maloney...Rancor Guard (uncredited)

Paul Markham...Imperial Officer (uncredited)

Richard Marquand...Maj. Marquand - AT-ST Driver / EV-9D9 (voice) (uncredited)

Hilton McRae...Arvel Crynyd (uncredited)

George Miller...Gamorrean Guard (uncredited)

Billy J. Mitchell...Keir Santage (Red Seven) (uncredited)

Ralph G. Morse...Stormtrooper (uncredited)

Ann Murray...Female A-Wing Pilot (uncredited)

Terence Mustoo...X-Wing pilot (uncredited)

Amanda Noar...Jess - Female Musician flirting with Bib Fortuna (uncredited)

Jack Orris...Kin Jian - Gunner Grey Leader (uncredited)

Quentin Pierre...Myn Kyneugh - Emperor's Royal Guard (uncredited)

Mike Quinn...Nien Nunb / Ree-Yees / Sy Snootles / Yoda / Wol Cabbashite (uncredited)

Glenn Randall Jr....Stormtrooper on Endor (uncredited)

Barry Robertson...Gamorrean Guard (uncredited)

Richard Robinson...Yuzzum (uncredited)

Peter Ross-Murray...Nikto (uncredited)

Kipsang Rotich...Nien Nunb (voice) (uncredited)

Deep Roy...Droopy McCool (uncredited)

Peter Roy...Major Olander Brit - Rebel (uncredited)

Terry Sach...A-Wing Pilot (uncredited)

Errol Shaker...Y-Wing Pilot (uncredited)

Tina Simmons...Rebel Technician (uncredited)

John Simpkin...Klaatu (uncredited)

Timothy Sinclair...Y-Wing Pilot (uncredited)

Anthony Smee...Imperial Officer - 'Open the Back Door' (uncredited) (unconfirmed)

Hugh Spight...Gamorrean Guard (uncredited)

Paul Springer...Ree Yees (uncredited)

Guy Standeven...Rebel Council Member in Briefing Room (uncredited)

Tony Star...Gamorrean Guard (uncredited)

Michael Stevens...Colonel Airen Cracken - Rebel Soldier on Millennium Falcon (uncredited)

David Stone...B-Wing Pilot (uncredited)

Keith Swaden...Rebel Soldier (uncredited)

Phil Tippett...Rancor - Jabba's Pet Monster (uncredited)

Marolyn Turk...Beedo - Jabba's Bounty Hunter (uncredited)

John Tynan...Bunker Control Room Operator (uncredited)

Jules Walter...Rennek (uncredited)

Larry Ward...Jabba the Hutt (voice) (uncredited)

Robert Watts...Lt. Watts - AT-ST Driver (uncredited)

Pat Welsh...Boushh (voice) (uncredited)

Paul Weston...Vedain - Sand Skiff Pilot (uncredited)

Corey Dee Williams...Klaatu (uncredited)

Simon J. Williamson...Max Rebo (uncredited)


Produced by 


Howard G. Kazanjian...producer (as Howard Kazanjian) (produced by)

George Lucas...executive producer

Rick McCallum...producer (special version)



Music by 

John Williams...(music by)


Cinematography by 

Alan Hume...director of photography

Alec Mills...(uncredited)


Film Editing by 

Sean Barton...(edited by)

T.M. Christopher...(special version)

Duwayne Dunham...(edited by)

Marcia Lucas...(edited by)

George Lucas...(uncredited)


Casting By 

Mary Selway...(as Mary Selway Buckley)


Production Design by 

Norman Reynolds


Art Direction by 

Fred Hole

James L. Schoppe...(as James Schoppe)


Set Decoration by 

Michael Ford

Harry Lange


Costume Design by 

Aggie Guerard Rodgers

Nilo Rodis-Jamero


Makeup Department 

Nick artist

Graham Freeborn...chief makeup artist

Kay artist

Stuart designer

Richard Glass...Contact Lens Optician

Paul stylist (as Paul Le Blanc)

Mike stylist

Pat McDermott...chief hair stylist (as Patricia McDermott)

Richard artist (as Dickie Mills)

Peter artist (as Peter Robb King)

Tom Smith...chief makeup artist

Phil designer

Christine trainee (uncredited)

Karen artist (uncredited)

Bob effects engineer (uncredited)

Alan artist (uncredited)

Bob assistant (uncredited)

Daniel artist (uncredited)


Production Management 

Robert Latham Brown...production executive

Patricia Carr...assistant production manager

Miki Herman...unit production manager

Douglas Twiddy...production supervisor

Louis G. Friedman...unit supervisor (uncredited)

Second Unit Director or Assistant Director 

Roy Button...second assistant director

Russell Lodge...second assistant director

Christopher Newman...second assistant director (as Chris Newman)

Michael E. Steele...second assistant director (as Michael Steele)

David Tomblin...first assistant director / second unit director

Roger Christian...second unit director (uncredited)

Eric Jewett...second assistant director (uncredited)

George Lucas...second unit director (uncredited)


Art Department 

Stan Atkins...metal fabricator foreman

Mark Billerman...set draftsman

Alan Booth...assistant construction manager

Reg Bream...set draftsman

Eddie Burke...supervising stagehand

Greg John foreman (as Greg Callas)

Chris Campbell...set draftsman

Roy Carnon...sketch artist

Gary Clark...paint foreman

Kenneth Clarke...master plasterer (as Kenny Clarke)

Larry Guy foreman (as Guy Clause)

Danny supervisor (as Dan Colangelo)

Richard Dawking...assistant art director

Doug foreman

John Fenner...assistant art director

Peter master

Bill Hargreaves...propmaker

Bill Iiams...general foreman

Roger supervisor

Laurie Kerr...carpenter

Michael Lamont...assistant art director

Red Lawrence...supervising rigger

Brian supervisor

Bert Long...master carpenter

David Lusby...production buyer

Ralph McQuarrie...conceptual artist

Ted Michell...scenic artist

Dave storeman (as David Middleton)

Richard Peters...propmaker

Eric Shirtcliffe...master painter

Charles Torbett...assistant property master

I.J. Van (as Ivan Van Perre)

Doug von Koss...set dresser (as Doug Von Koss)

Stan foreman

Bob Walker...decor and lettering artist


Malcolm crew

Bill manager

John Alvin...poster artist (uncredited)

Brian Archer...supervising model maker (uncredited)

Ken Barley...plasterer (uncredited)

Frank Billington-Marks...propmaker (uncredited)

Gavin Bocquet...set draftsman (uncredited)

Gerry Bourke...props (uncredited)

Sharon Cartwright...assistant set decorator (uncredited)

John Chapple...painter (uncredited)

George Djurkovic...set draftsman (uncredited)

Giovanni Ferrara...standby painter (uncredited)

Michael Finlay...painter (uncredited)

Gene Fukuzawa...laborer foreman (uncredited)

Ian Giladjian...production buyer (uncredited)

Marilee Heyer...conceptual sketch artist: Princess Leia (uncredited) / storyboard artist (uncredited)

Ron Higgins...dressing props (uncredited)

Don Johnson...laborer foreman (uncredited)

Tom Jung...poster designer (uncredited)

Neil department junior (uncredited)

Tim Mancusi...matte painting artist (uncredited)

Peter Mann...constructor (uncredited)

Kieron Mcnamara...props (uncredited)

Dave Midson...props (uncredited)

David Nicoll...assistant scenic artist (uncredited)

Richard crew (uncredited)

Kevin Phipps...set draftsman (uncredited)

Chuck Ray...assistant set dresser (uncredited)

Carol department secretary (uncredited)

Patti Rodgers...modeller (uncredited)

David Russell...storyboard artist (uncredited)

Steven Sallybanks...assistant scenic artist (uncredited)

Keith Short...sculptor (uncredited)

Steve Short...propmaker (uncredited)

Steve Simmonds...modeller (uncredited)

Brian Smith...decor and lettering artist (uncredited)

Valerie Sofranko...props & costumes (uncredited)

Janet Stevens...modeller (uncredited)

Drew Struzan...poster artist (uncredited) / poster artist: Special Edition (uncredited)

Tony Vice...plasterer (uncredited)

Paul Wolstencroft...stage hand (uncredited)

Mal Zawadzki...painter (uncredited)


Sound Department 

David Acord...supervising assistant: 2004 edition

Christopher transfer: 2004 edition

David Batchelor...boom operator

Gloria S. Borders...assistant sound editor (as Gloria Borders)

Richard Burrow...sound effects editor

Ben mixer / sound designer: 1983, 1997 & 2004 versions

T.M. engineer

Catherine engineer

John transfer: 2004 edition

Shep Dawe...sound assistant

Tony Dawe...production sound

Teresa Eckton...sound editor: 1997 & 2004 / sound effects editor

Sean archivist: 2004 edition

Ken Fischer...sound effects editor

Jamie production supervisor: 2004 edition

Sue Fox...assistant sound editor (as Suzanne Fox)

Tim Fox...archivist: 1997 special edition

Jonathan transfer: 2004 edition

Howie engineer (as Howie)

Kris engineer

K.C. engineer

Tomlinson Holman...Re-recording engineer

Nancy Jencks...assistant sound editor

Tom engineer

Brian engineer

James engineer

Bonnie Koehler...dialogue editor

Laurel Ladevich...dialogue editor

Susan A. engineer (as Susan Leahy)

Mary Helen Leasman...assistant sound editor

Brian re-recordist: 2004 edition

Bill Mann...assistant sound editor

Jim Manson...sound assistant

Robert engineer

Tom mixer: 2004 edition

Miles description narrator

David Parker...boom operator

Gary A. mix technician: 1997 Special Edition

Scott engineer

John engineer

Catherine Ryan...assistant sound editor (as Kathy Ryan)

Victoria Rose Sampson...dialogue editor (as Vickie Rose Sampson)

Roger mixer

Jurgen Scharpf...mix technician: 2004 edition

Curt Schulkey...dialogue editor

Lisa Anne Storer...assistant sound editor (special version) (as Lisa Storer)

Gary mixer

Randy Thom...production sound / re-recording mixer

Dennie engineer

John engineer

Christopher Weir...assistant sound editor (as Chris Weir)

Matthew Wood...supervising sound editor: 2004 & 2011 versions

Fred Clemons...machine room operator (special version) (uncredited)

Sean mix technician: 1997 special edition (uncredited)

Steve mix technician: 1997 special edition (uncredited)

Donald C. Rogers...sound (uncredited)

Lionel Strutt...adr mixer (uncredited)

David E. Turner...machine room operator (special version) (uncredited)


Special Effects by 

Roy Arbogast...special effects supervisor

Jon Berg...creature consultant

Patricia Blau...production/creature coordinator (as Patty Blau)

Dave Carson...key sculptor

John Coppinger...animatronics engineer

Richard Davis...plastic designer

Peter Dawson...senior effects technician

Randal M. Dutra...creature technician (as Randy Dutra)

Judy Elkins...key sculptor

Robert Harman...wire specialist (as Bob Harman)

Ron Hone...chief electronics technician

Dan Howard...creature technician

James Howard...sculptural designer

Derek Howarth...key sculptor

James Isaac...creature technician

Jeanne Lauren...creature technician

William Lee...special effects foreman (as William David Lee)

Tom McLaughlin...latex foam lab supervisor

Tony McVey...key sculptor

Kevin Pike...location special effects

Ralph Richardson...special effects

Pete Ronzani...armature designer (as Peter Ronzani)

Wesley Seeds...chief moldmaker

David Sosalla...key sculptor (as Dave Sosalla)

Richard Spah Jr....creature technician

Eben Stromquist...assistant articulation engineer

Kirk R. Thatcher...creature technician (as Kirk Thatcher)

Brian Turner...creature technician

Chris Walas...creature consultant

Harold Weed...chief creature maker (special version) (as Howie Weed)

Kit West...mechanical effects supervision

Chuck Wiley...sculptural designer

Ethan Wiley...creature technician

Ian Wingrove...special effects floor controller

Michael Wood...location special effects (as Mike Wood)

Ron Young...moldmaker

Stuart Ziff...chief articulation engineer

Terry Adlam...special effects technician (uncredited)

John Baker...effects coordinator (uncredited)

Don Chandler...location special effects (uncredited) / sculptor (uncredited)

John Chapot...location special effects (uncredited)

Terence J. Cox...electrical engineer (uncredited) / special effects assistant (uncredited)

Steve Crawley...wire specialist (uncredited)

Michael Dawson...special effects assistant (uncredited)

Yves De Bono...special effects technician (uncredited)

Tony Dyson...R2-D2 builder (uncredited)

Rodney Fuller...senior effects technician (uncredited)

Ken Gittens...special effects technician (uncredited)

Terry Glass...special effects technician (uncredited)

Ned Gorman...special effects: administrative staff (uncredited)

Ray Hanson...creature technician (uncredited)

John Hatt...special effects technician (uncredited)

Bob Keen...special effects (uncredited)

William A. Klinger...location special effects (uncredited)

Paul Knowles...special effects technician (uncredited)

Stephen Lloyd...special effects technician (uncredited)

Trevor Neighbour...senior effects technician (uncredited)

Roger Nichols...special effects technician (uncredited)

Mike Osborn...controller: Jabba's stomach and chest bladders (uncredited)

Richard Padbury...smoke effects: Jabba the Hutt (uncredited)

Rodger Shaw...creature technician (uncredited)

David Simmons...location special effects (uncredited)

John K. Stirber...location special effects (uncredited)

Eddie Surkin...location special effects (uncredited)

Neil Swan...senior effects technician (uncredited)

Bruno Van Zeebroeck...location special effects (uncredited)

Chris Walas...creature design & effects (uncredited)

David Watson...senior effects technician (uncredited)

Barry Whitrod...special effects technician (uncredited)

Gary Zink...location special effects (uncredited)


Visual Effects by 

Julie effects artist (special version) (as Julie Neary)

Barbara Affonso...visual effects model maker: ILM

Peter Amundson...visual effects editor: ILM

Carl Assmus...stage technician (special version)

Okan effects technical assistant (special version)

Karen Ayers...administrative staff: ILM

Charles Bailey...visual effects chief model maker: ILM

V. Scott Balcerek...assistant visual effects editor (special version) (as Scott Balcerek)

Stewart Barbee...effects cameraman: ILM

Philip Barberio...optical line-up: ILM

Craig Barron...matte photography: ILM

John Bartle...assistant visual effects editor (special version)

Carol Bauman...visual effects model & creature maker: ILM (special version)

Randall K. scanning operator (special version) (as Randall Bean)

William Beck...visual effects model maker: ILM (as Bill Beck)

Wendy assistant (special version)

David Benson...negative line-up: ILM (special version)

David Berry...optical printer operator: ILM

Earl scanning operator (special version)

Ken Beyer...production engineering: ILM (special version)

Don Bies...visual effects model & creature maker: ILM (special version)

Andrea Biklian...negative line-up: ILM (special version)

Mike engineer: ILM

Conrad Bonderson...machinist: ILM

Scott effects artist (special version)

Lance Brackett...stage technician: ILM

Marty Brenneis...electronic engineer: ILM

Daniel effects resource assistant: ILM (special version)

Garrett Brown...plate photographer: ILM / steadicam operator: ILM

Kris Brown...electronic system designer: ILM

Ronn Brown...matte artist (1997 special version)

Laura Buff...administrative staff: ILM (as Laura Kaysen)

Chris Bushman...optical supervisor (special version)

Donald S. effects artist (special version) (as Don Butler)

Bill Buttfield...visual effects model maker: ILM

John effects artist (special version)

Dave Carson...visual effects supervisor (special version)

Sean M. Casey...visual effects model maker: ILM (as Sean Casey)

Eric matte artist (special version)

Peter effects technical assistant (special version)

Dave Childers...stage technician: ILM

Wade support staff: ILM

Terry Chostner...supervising still photographer: ILM

Bob Chrisoulis...assistant visual effects editor: ILM (as Robert Chrisoulis)

Donald Clark...optical printer operator: ILM

Joe Class...assistant visual effects editor: ILM

Mike Cochrane...visual effects model maker: ILM

Harold Cole...stage technician: ILM

Sam Comstock...effects animator: ILM (as Samuel Comstock)

Michael effects artist: ILM (special version)

Caitlin Content...sabre artist (special version)

Ken Corvino...visual effects production engineering: ILM (special version)

Julie Creighton...visual effects production staff (special version)

Peter Daulton...assistant cameraman: ILM

Fon Davis...visual effects model maker: ILM (special version)

Lou effects artist (special version)

Bernie Demolski...stage technician (special version) (as Richard Demolski)

David effects artist (special version)

Ron Diggory...stage technician (special version)

James effects artist (special version)

Rob Doherty...stage technician (special version)

Giovanni Donovan...visual effects model & creature maker: ILM (special version)

Dick Dova...stage technician (special version)

Don Dow...effects cameraman: ILM

Lisa paint and roto artist: special edition

Karen Dube...administrative staff: ILM

Tom graphics: ILM

Patricia Rose Duignan...visual effects production supervisor: ILM

Selwyn Eddy...effects cameraman: ILM (as Selwyn Eddy III)

Richard Edlund...visual effects

John Ellis...optical printer operator: ILM

Mike scanning operator (special version) (as Michael Ellis)

Robert Elswit...effects cameraman: ILM

Eric research and development (special version)

Chrissie England...administrative staff: ILM

Christopher Evans...matte painting artist: ILM (as Chris Evans)

Maryan Evans...assistant cameraman: ILM

Scott Farrar...visual effects cameraman: ILM

Phillip Feiner...optical supervisor (special version)

Tom effects artist (special version)

Rick Fichter...effects cameraman: ILM

David Fincher...assistant cameraman: ILM

Bob Finley III...stage technician: ILM / visual effects gaffer (special version)

Pat Fitzsimmons...stage technician: ILM (as Patrick Fitzsimmons)

Brian matte artist (special version)

Warren Franklin...visual effects production coordinator: ILM

Susan Fritz-Monahan...production assistant: ILM

Joe Fulmer...stage technician: ILM

Michael Fulmer...visual effects chief model maker: ILM (as Michael Glenn Fulmer)

Barbara Gallucci...visual effects model maker: ILM

George scanning operator (special version)

Steve Gawley...modelshop supervisor: ILM

Tim Geideman...lab technician: ILM / negative line-up: ILM (special version)

Bill George...visual effects model maker: ILM (as William George)

Howard effects artist (special version)

Ray Gilberti...assistant cameraman: ILM

Michael Gleason...assistant visual effects editor: ILM

Jeremy effects artist (special version)

Ralph Gordon...optical line-up: ILM

Mark Gredell...effects cameraman: ILM

Timothy Greenwood...projectionist (special version) (as Tim Greenwood)

Grant Guenin...sabre artist (special version)

James Hagedorn...3D matchmove artist: special edition

David Hanks...apprentice machinist: ILM

David R. Hardberger...effects cameraman: ILM

Toby Heindel...assistant cameraman: ILM

Wendy plate restoration: ILM (special version)

Clark Higgins...visual effects video assistant (special version)

Robert Hill...assistant cameraman: ILM

Edward Hirsh...stage technician: ILM (as Ed Hirsh) / visual effects project manager (special version)

Renee Holt...effects animator: ILM

John research and development (special version)

Jim research and development: ILM (special version)

George Hull...visual effects art director (special version)

Paul Huston...visual effects chief model maker: ILM

Tom L. graphics supervisor (special version) (as Tom Hutchinson)

Jay Ignaszewski...visual effects assistant editor: ILM

Alex Jaeger...visual effects layout and storyboard artist (special version)

Jerry Jeffress...electronic system designer: ILM

George Jenson...production illustrator: ILM

Brad Jerrell...stage technician (special version)

Carole effects technical assistant (special version)

Keith Johnson...3D matchmove artist: special edition

Robert Johnson...stage technician (special version)

Joe Johnston...visual effects art director: ILM

Doug Jones...negative supervisor (special version)

Ed Jones...optical line-up: ILM (as Ed L. Jones)

Randy Jonsson...assistant cameraman: ILM (as Randy Johnson)

Zoran research and development: ILM (special version)

Florian research and development: ILM (special version)

Paula Karsh...administrative staff: ILM

James Keefer...animation supervisor: ILM

Ira Keeler...visual effects model maker: ILM

Tom Kennedy...visual effects producer (special version)

Bill Kimberlin...visual effects editor: ILM

Ken Satchel effects artist (special version) (as Ken King)

John Knoll...visual effects supervisor (special version)

Kim Knowlton...head effects animator: ILM (as Kimberly Knowlton)

Marshall Richard compositor: ILM (special version) / digital effects artist (special version) (as Marshall Krasser)

Neil Krepela...matte photography: ILM

Rob LaDuca...effects animator: ILM (as Rob La Duca)

Dan Large...production engineering: special edition

Alexander Laurant...assistant visual effects art director: ILM (special version) (as Alex Laurant)

Angela editor (special version)

Michael Lessa...effects animator: ILM (as Mike Lessa)

Joshua effects technical assistant (special version)

Stewart effects artist: ILM (special version)

James Lim...optical printer operator: ILM

Michael Dean effects artist (special version)

Mike MacKenzie...electronic engineer: ILM

Jeff Mann...visual effects model maker: ILM

Joshua Marks...visual effects production staff (special version)

Kim Marks...assistant cameraman: ILM

Scott Marshall...visual effects model maker: ILM

Tia L. effects artist (special version) (as Tia Marshall)

Dawn assistant (special version)

Tom Martinek...lead digital effects artist: ILM (special version)

Stuart T. effects artist (special version) (as Stuart Maschwitz)

Terrence effects artist (special version)

Bill matte artist (special version) (as William Mather)

Dawn effects technical assistant (special version)

Michael J. McAlister...effects cameraman: ILM

Patrick McArdle...assistant cameraman: ILM

Cristi support staff: ILM

Mary McCulloch...sabre artist (special version)

Michael McGovern...visual effects editor (special version)

Roberto McGrath...still photographer: ILM

John McLeod...stage technician: ILM

Marghi McMahon...visual effects model maker: ILM

Dan McNamara...visual effects supervisor: Sabre Group (special version) (as Daniel McNamara)

Nicholas Meeks...stage technician (special version)

Gary Meyer...production engineering: ILM (special version)

Neil effects artist (special version)

Todd scanning operator: ILM (special version)

Ted Moehnke...supervising stage technician: ILM

Melissa plate restoration: ILM (special version)

Michael Moore...lab technician: ILM (as Michael S. Moore)

Thaine Morris...pyrotechnician: ILM

Wendy Morton...visual effects model & creature maker: ILM (special version)

Dennis Muren...visual effects

Duncan Myers...lab technician: ILM

Bill Neil...effects cameraman: ILM

Bruce Nicholson...optical photography supervisor: ILM

Ken effects artist (special version)

Kerry Nordquist...still photographer: ILM

Merlin Ohm...stage technician: ILM

Frank Ordaz...matte painting artist: ILM

Randy Ottenberg...visual effects model maker: ILM

Michael Owens...effects cameraman: ILM

Ease Owyeung...visual effects chief model maker: ILM

Udo Pampel...machinist: ILM

Michael Pangrazio...matte painting supervisor: ILM

David artist (special version)

Eddie compositor: special edition

Sonia Paulsen...administrative staff: ILM

Lorne Peterson...modelshop supervisor: ILM

David Pier...pyrotechnician: ILM

Joshua scanning supervisor (special version)

Vance Piper...visual effects camera assistant (special version)

Margot Pipkin...effects animator: ILM

Anne Polland...props and costumes (special version)

Ken Ralston...visual effects production supervisor / visual effects

Ricardo effects artist (special version)

Chris Rand...apprentice machinist: ILM

William graphics: ILM

Arthur F. Repola...supervising visual effects editor: ILM

Pete Romano...assistant cameraman: ILM (as Peter Romano)

Thomas effects artist (special version) / optical line-up: ILM (as Tom Rosseter)

Jonathan Rothbart...animatic artist: ILM (special version)

Christian research and development (special version)

Stanley W. Sayer...matte photography consultant (as Stanley Sayer)

Kathy Shine...visual effects production assistant: ILM

Dan effects technical assistant (special version) (as Daniel Shumaker)

Mark Siegel...visual effects model & creature maker: ILM (special version)

Kenneth Smith...optical printer operator: ILM

Mike support staff: ILM

Thomas G. Smith...general manager: ILM (as Tom Smith)

Tom St. Amand...stop motion animator: ILM

Howard Stein...visual effects editor: ILM

Suki Stern...effects animator: ILM

Peter Stolz...stage technician: ILM

Pat Sweeney...assistant cameraman: ILM

Larry Tan...visual effects model maker: ILM

Lawrence effects artist (special version)

Chad Taylor...sabre artist: ILM (special version)

Ed support staff: ILM

Paul effects artist (special version)

Annick Therrien...effects animator: ILM

Marc Thorpe...visual effects model maker: ILM

Lisa Todd...visual effects coordinator (special version)

James graphics supervisor (special version)

Pat Turner...visual effects cameraman (special version)

Yusei matte artist (special version)

Hans effects artist (special version)

Michael Van plate restoration: ILM (special version) (as Mike Van Eps)

Mark Vargo...optical printer operator: ILM

Bruce Vecchitto...color timing supervisor (special version)

Laurie Vermont...visual effects production coordinator: ILM

Danny Wagner...visual effects creature maker: ILM (special version)

Garry Waller...head effects animator: ILM

Steve Walton...visual effects model & creature maker: ILM (special version)

Li-Hsien effects artist (special version)

Ken effects artist (special version)

John scanning operator (special version)

Gene engineering supervisor: ILM

Bess Wiley...assistant cameraman: ILM (as Bessie Wiley)

Terry Windell...effects animator: ILM

Ron effects artist (special version)

Arnold Yee...production engineering: special edition

Jeffery research and development: ILM (special version)

Heidi paint and roto artist: special edition

Rita E. Zimmerman...sabre artist (special version) (as Rita Zimmerman)

Bruce Cardozo...optical line up (uncredited)

Rejyna Douglass-Whitman...damage artist/supervisor (uncredited)

David Dozoretz...previs supervisor (uncredited)

Jammie Friday...roto artist: Lookout Mountain Films (uncredited)

Ellen Lichtwardt Goodchild...visual effects artist (uncredited)

Dion Hatch...animation cameraman: Movie Magic (uncredited)

Peg Hunter...optical lineup: ILM (uncredited)

Peter Kuran...effects animator (uncredited)

Richard Malzahn...animation effects (uncredited)

Ed Manning...effects animator: VCE (uncredited)

Richard Miller...visual effects model maker (uncredited)

Jim Morris...senior staff: ILM: 1997 special edition (uncredited)

Cary research and development (uncredited)

Kevin Richardson...visual effects artist (uncredited)

Nina Saxon...visual effects (uncredited)

Susan Turner...visual effects (uncredited)

Adrian effects (uncredited)

Matt compositor (uncredited)

Mary E. Walter...optical line-up: ILM (uncredited)



Bob Anderson...stunt performer

Dickey Beer...stunt performer (as Dirk Yohan Beer)

Marc Boyle...stunt performer

Michael Cassidy...stunt performer (as Mike Cassidy)

Peter Diamond...stunt arranger

Tracey Eddon...stunt performer (as Tracy Eddon)

Sandi Gross...stunt performer (as Sandra Gross)

Ted Grossman...stunt performer

Frank Henson...stunt performer

Larry Holt...stunt performer

Billy Horrigan...stunt performer (as Bill Horrigan)

Alf Joint...stunt performer

Julius LeFlore...stunt performer (as Julius Leflore)

Glenn Randall Jr....stunt co-cordinator (as Glenn Randall)

Colin Skeaping...stunt performer

Malcolm Weaver...stunt performer

Paul Weston...stunt performer

Bob Yerkes...stunt performer

Daniel Zormeier...stunt performer (as Dan Zormeier)

Vic Armstrong...stunt double: Harrison Ford (uncredited)

Peter Brace...stunt performer (uncredited)

Peter Burroughs...stunts (uncredited)

Tracey Eddon...stunt double: C-3PO (uncredited)

Margarita Farrell...stunt double: Warwick Davis (uncredited)

Sandi Gross...stunt double: Princess Leia (uncredited)

Monty Jordan...stunt double (uncredited)

Martin Klebba...utility stunts (uncredited)

Wendy Leech...stunt performer (uncredited)

Julius LeFlore...stunt double: Lando Calrissian (uncredited)

Kiran Shah...stunt double (uncredited)

Colin Skeaping...stunt double: Luke Skywalker (uncredited)


Camera and Electrical Department 

Mike Benson...operating cameraman

Bob Bremner...gaffer

Tom Brown...rigging gaffer (as Tommy Brown)

Albert Clarke...still photographer

Joe boy

Dick Dova...key grip (as Dick Dova Spah)

Mike Frift...focus puller (as Michael Frift)

Clark Garland...rigging gaffer

James Glennon...location director of photography (as Jim Glennon)

Michael L. Glennon...second assistant cameraman (as Michael Glennon)

Ron Goodman...aerial photography

Reg Hall...dolly grip

Margaret Herron...aerial photographer

Simon Hume...second assistant cameraman

W.C. 'Chunky' Huse...dolly grip (as Chunky Huse)

Martin Kenzie...second assistant cameraman

Robert LaBonge...assistant cameraman (as Bob La Bonge)

Thomas Laughridge...operating cameraman (as Tom Laughridge)

Jack Lowin...additional photographer

Alec Mills...operating cameraman

Leo J. Napolitano...assistant cameraman (as Leo Napolitano)

Ralph Nelson...still photographer (as Ralph Nelson Jr.)

Mike Pantages...gaffer

Chris Tanner...focus puller

Steve Tate...second assistant cameraman

Roy Everson...lightman (uncredited)

Jesse Goodell...grip (uncredited)

Jon Guterres...dolly grip: USA (uncredited)

Steve department trainee (uncredited)

Bruce Hill...ultra high speed photography: Bruce Hill Productions (uncredited)

Duane Journey...grip (uncredited)

Brian Q. Kelley...photographer: additional footage for special edition (uncredited)

Russell j Lyster...electrician (uncredited)

Michael Maley...dolly grip (uncredited)

Billy Malone...second assistant camera (uncredited)

Hiro Narita...additional cinematographer (uncredited)

Bill Pelkey...electrician (uncredited)

Bob Penn...still photographer: special magazine assignment (uncredited)

Bobby Powell...electrician (uncredited)

John boy (uncredited)

Nigel Seal...assistant camera (uncredited)

Andrew playback operator (uncredited)

Frank Strzalkowski...grip (uncredited)

Miki Thomas...second unit: focus puller (uncredited)


Animation Department 

Ann Ducommun...assistant animator (uncredited)

Kevin Kutchaver...animator (uncredited)


Casting Department 

David Emann...location casting (as Dave Eman)

Bill Lytle...location casting


Costume and Wardrobe Department 

Elvira Angelinetta...creature costumer

Ron Beck...wardrobe supervisor

Jenny manager

Barbara Kassal...creature costumer

Richard Miller...jeweler

Edwina Pellikka...creature costumer

Anne Polland...creature costumer

Mary Elizabeth Still...costume supervisor

Janet Tebrooke...wardrobe mistress

Michael Becker...creature costumer (uncredited)

John Birkinshaw...wardrobe assistant (uncredited)

Claudia Everett...creature costumer (uncredited)

Janice Gartin...creature costumer (uncredited)

Barbara Gillett...creature costumer (uncredited)

Derek Hyde...creature costumer (uncredited)

Michael Jeffery...wardrobe assistant (uncredited)

Karrin Kain...creature costumer (uncredited)

Margaret Lewin...creature costumer (uncredited)

Janet Lucas-Wakely...wardrobe assistant (uncredited)

Patricia Moon...creature costumer (uncredited)

Keith Morton...wardrobe assistant (uncredited)

Dianne Murphy...wardrobe assistant (uncredited)

Laurie Rudd...costume draper/seamstress (uncredited) / creature costumer (uncredited)

Nancy Servin...creature costumer (uncredited)

Eileen Sullivan...creature costumer (uncredited)

Rita Wakely...creature costumer (uncredited)

Patrick Wheatley...wardrobe assistant (uncredited)

Colin Wilson...wardrobe assistant (uncredited)

Julie Woodbridge...creature costumer (uncredited)


Editorial Department 

Conrad Buff IV...assistant film editor (as Conrad Buff)

Ted executive: special edition

Bob Hagans...color timer

Bob Hart...negative cutter: special edition

Clive Hartley...assistant film editor

Samuel H. Hinckley...first assistant editor (special version) (as Samuel Hinckley)

Nicholas Hosker...assistant film editor (as Nick Hosker)

Mike Jackson...assistant editor: avid: special edition

Robin Lee...assistant editor: avid: special edition

Robert Marty...assistant editor: special edition

Debra McDermott...assistant film editor

Mark intermediate colorist

Jim Passon...color timer

Robert Raring...color timer (special version) (as Robert J. Raring)

Ray Sabo...negative continuity: special edition

Phil Sanderson...assistant film editor

Jim Schurmann...color timer

Steve Starkey...assistant film editor

Brian Q. Kelley...editor: additional material for special edition (uncredited)


Location Management 

Lennis Fike...location contact (as Lennie Fike)


Music Department 

Annie Arbogast...lyricist: Huttese

Richard Bissill...musician: french horn

Ben Burtt...lyricist: Ewokese

Eric Crees...musician: trombone

London Symphony performed by

Herbert W. Spencer...orchestrator

Jamie Talbot...musician: clarinet

Steve producer

Eric recordist

Kenneth Wannberg...supervising music editor

Mike De Saulles...violinist (uncredited)

Brian Gascoigne...musician (uncredited)

Gordon Langford...orchestrator (uncredited)

George producer (uncredited)

Maurice Murphy...musician: trumpet (uncredited)

Lionel supervisor (uncredited)

Thomas Newman...orchestrator (uncredited)

Fred Steiner...composer: additional music (uncredited)

James Thatcher...musician: French horn (uncredited)

John Williams...conductor (uncredited) / music producer (uncredited)

Joseph Williams...composer: Jizzwailer music (original version) (uncredited)


Script and Continuity Department 

Bob Forrest...location script supervisor

Pamela Mann...script supervisor (as Pamela Mann Francis)

Richard Marquand...script revision (uncredited)

David Webb Peoples...script revision (uncredited)


Transportation Department 

John Feinblatt...transportation captain

Mark La transportation manager

Vic transportation manager

H. Lee Noblitt...transportation captain

Eugene Schwartz...transportation co-coordinator (as Gene Schwartz)

Rodd Wolff...uncredited

Colin Morris...personal driver: Harrison Ford (uncredited)

Stacy Newton...transportation (uncredited)

Terry Pritchard...unit driver (uncredited)


Additional Crew 

Franki Anderson...mime artist

Gordon Arnell...unit publicist

David Alan Barclay...puppeteer: Jabba (as David Barclay)

Jane Bay...assistant: Mr. Lucas

Derrick Baylis...sails engineering

Ailsa Berk...mime artist

June Broom...assistant publicist

Ian Bryce...production assistant

Arthur Carroll...production controller

Sean Crawford...mime artist

Andy Cunningham...mime artist

Sheala Daniell...assistant accountant

Diane Dankwardt...location accountant

Geoffrey de Valois...production assistant

Tim Dry...mime artist

Mike Edmonds...puppeteer: Jabba

Kathryn Farrar...production controller (special version)

Deborah Fine...researcher

Tim Fox...archivist (special version)

Stuart Freeborn...creature design

Louis G. Friedman...associate to producer

Gillian Gregory...choreographer

Barbara Harley...assistant accountant

Kathleen Hartney Ross...assistant: Mr. Kazanjian

Graeme Hattrick...mime artist

Philip Herbert...mime artist (as Phil Herbert)

Gerald Home...mime artist

Colin Hurren...production accountant

Peggy Kashuba...sails engineering

Sunni assistant

Bill Kreysler...sail co-ordinator

Swee Lim...puppeteer (as Swim Lee)

Michael McCormick...puppeteer

Margaret Mitchell...production accountant

Toby Philpott...puppeteer: Jabba

Mike Quinn...puppeteer (as Michael Quinn)

Pinki Ragan...location accountant

Richard Robinson...puppeteer

Wendy Rogers...location choreographer

Deep Roy...puppeteer

Lata Ryan...production co-ordinator

Gail assistant

Hugh Spight...puppeteer (as Hugh Spirit)

Paul Springer...mime artist

John Syrjamaki...assistant: Mr. Bloom

Phil Tippett...creature design

Warwick Tompkins...sail co-ordinator

Simon J. Williamson...puppeteer (as Simon Williamson)

Marc Wolff...helicopter pilot (as Mark Wolfe)

Roy Beck...stand-in (uncredited)

Chris extra (uncredited)

Stephen Calcutt...stand-in: Peter Mayhew, Michael Carter and David Prowse (uncredited)

Des archivist (special version) (uncredited)

Rusty (uncredited)

Norton Clarke...double (uncredited)

Andy Cunningham...mime artist: "Ephant Mon" (uncredited)

Jack Dearlove...stand-in: Mr. Ford (uncredited)

Rob Dickinson...electronic graphics consultant (uncredited)

Boyce R. Doyle...special consultant: end credits (uncredited)

Roy Everson...stand-in: David Prowse (uncredited)

Carrie Fisher...additional dialogue (uncredited)

Joe Gibson...stand-in: Mr. Hamill (uncredited)

Ron Gregory...stand-in (uncredited)

Bill Halls...general foreman (uncredited)

Virgil E. Hammond technician: Cinemobile System Inc. (uncredited)

Alan Harris...double: "C-3PO" (uncredited) / stand-in: "C-3PO" (uncredited)

James Harris...miscellaneous crew (uncredited)

Philip Herbert...mime artist: "Hermi Odle" (uncredited)

Gerald Home...mime artist: "Tessek-Squid Head" and "Mon Calamari Officer" (uncredited)

Clay extra (uncredited)

Leila Kirkpatrick...assistant: Mr. Marquand (uncredited)

Ben Mansworth...stand-in (uncredited)

Alex Matcham...assistant accountant (uncredited)

Steve Meek...stand-in for mr. mayhew (uncredited)

Lou Morgan...stand-in (uncredited)

Chris Parsons...double: C-3PO (uncredited) / stand-in: C-3PO (uncredited)

Quentin Pierre...stand-in: Mr. Williams (uncredited)

Tim Rose...puppeteer (uncredited)

Betty Sharp...assistant: Mr. Kazanjian (uncredited)

Erica Simmons...stand-in: Ms. Fisher (uncredited)

Barry extra (uncredited)

Alan safety (uncredited)

Charles B. Wessler...production assistant (uncredited)

Rebecca West...effects secretary (uncredited)

Corey Dee Williams...body double (uncredited)


Fejezet vége



Az utolsó fejezettel véget ért a Jedi Visszatér kivesézése. Gyerekkorom nagy kedvence ez a film, az előítélet és az ártatlanság korának eklatáns példája. Amikor még az emberek izgalommal telve és nyitottan mentek moziba, mert esemény volt egy-egy ilyen film. Hogy aztán kibeszéljék otthon, a munkahelyen vagy a suliban az élményt. Mert az semmihez se volt fogható. :) 


Köszönet illeti @MissKarrde-t a befektetett munkáért, mert a fejezetek zöme őt dicséri! Én csak a végén vettem át.


Velem legközelebb a The Rise of Skywalker elemzése kapcsán találkozhattok, a nem túl távoli jövőben. :) 

Szerkesztve: - Ody Mandrell
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