Tarzaan Hozzászólás ideje: 2017. November 13. Hozzászólás ideje: 2017. November 13. Full Synopsis To The Last Jedi (Potential Spoilers, Also Potential BS) Elég életszerűnek tűnik. Ebben az esetben viszont tényleg SPOILERes. Válasz
Yoda József Hozzászólás ideje: 2017. November 13. Hozzászólás ideje: 2017. November 13. Aki nem akar elspoilerezni semmit, az ne hallgassa meg! Ez tényleg az első olyan cselekényleírás, ami elég hihetően hangzik, az eddigiek tele voltak baromságokkal. Válasz
Tarzaan Hozzászólás ideje: 2017. November 13. Hozzászólás ideje: 2017. November 13. 13 perccel korábban, Yoda József írta: Aki nem akar elspoilerezni semmit, az ne hallgassa meg! Ez tényleg az első olyan cselekényleírás, ami elég hihetően hangzik, az eddigiek tele voltak baromságokkal. Szerintem azok sem baromságok voltak, hanem korai vázlatok. Ahogy anno a CSH sztorija is folyamatosan csizsolódot Lucas és csapata fejében. Válasz
Ody Mandrell Hozzászólás ideje: 2017. November 13. Hozzászólás ideje: 2017. November 13. Én biztos nem nézem/hallgatom meg. Válasz
Bence1997 Hozzászólás ideje: 2017. November 13. Hozzászólás ideje: 2017. November 13. 1 percet néztem belőle, de kb. ezt sejteni lehetett, hogy így lesz az eleje - mármint hogy nem azzal a bizonyos jelenettel nyitunk. A többit nem néztem meg, mostmár a várakozás azon szakaszában vagyok/vagyunk, hogy a héten még a megjelent/megjelenni kívánt tv-spotokat meglesem, aztán jövőhéttől spoilermentesen fogom várni a filmet. Válasz
csoli1138 Hozzászólás ideje: 2017. November 13. Hozzászólás ideje: 2017. November 13. Én is kihagyom ezt a videót! Válasz
luke19 Hozzászólás ideje: 2017. November 19. Hozzászólás ideje: 2017. November 19. Gagyi minőségű EW címlapok. Sokkal érdekesebb a szöveg rajtuk: "Preaper for the episode that will change the Saga forever" Illetve az egyes borítókon feltett kérdések se rosszak. Válasz
csoli1138 Hozzászólás ideje: 2017. November 19. Hozzászólás ideje: 2017. November 19. Kylo olyan mint Marilyn Manson! Válasz
Ody Mandrell Hozzászólás ideje: 2017. November 19. Hozzászólás ideje: 2017. November 19. (szerkesztve) Nagy szavak! Tehát Poe-nak Holdo lesz a főnöke? Szerkesztve: 2017. November 19. - Ody Mandrell Válasz
luke19 Hozzászólás ideje: 2017. November 19. Hozzászólás ideje: 2017. November 19. (szerkesztve) Új képek!! Mit keres most komolyan Rey Snoke-nál? És Kylo áll mögötte. Boritók jobb minőségben Szerkesztve: 2017. November 19. - luke19 1 Válasz
Bomarr Hozzászólás ideje: 2017. November 19. Hozzászólás ideje: 2017. November 19. 2 perccel korábban, luke19 írta: Mit keres most komolyan Rey Snoke-nál? És Kylo áll mögötte. Az előzetesből tudjuk, hogy ez a találkozás nem lesz annyira baráti. Válasz
luke19 Hozzászólás ideje: 2017. November 19. Hozzászólás ideje: 2017. November 19. Az új képen még nagyon eltökélt, majd az arcára fagy a mosoly. Válasz
Ody Mandrell Hozzászólás ideje: 2017. November 19. Hozzászólás ideje: 2017. November 19. Jó képek! Nyilván Kyloval vagy oda, bár nem hiszem, hogy önszántából. De ha az EPV-ös párhuzamot nézzük, még az is lehet. Azon a jeleneten ahol Finn mutat valamit olyan szegény Rose mint egy down kóros. Válasz
luke19 Hozzászólás ideje: 2017. November 19. Hozzászólás ideje: 2017. November 19. A mesterről is jött egy cikk a Falconra való visszatérésről, és egy kép 1 Válasz
Ody Mandrell Hozzászólás ideje: 2017. November 19. Hozzászólás ideje: 2017. November 19. Ez mennyire jó kép már! Luke büntetni fog ebben a filmben. Válasz
luke19 Hozzászólás ideje: 2017. November 19. Hozzászólás ideje: 2017. November 19. Igen, ment is boritóképnek. Főleg miatta várom nagyon a filmet. Válasz
Ody Mandrell Hozzászólás ideje: 2017. November 19. Hozzászólás ideje: 2017. November 19. Ez a kép már önmagában megér egy PG-13 -mat. 2 Válasz
kudar Hozzászólás ideje: 2017. November 19. Hozzászólás ideje: 2017. November 19. Uhhh ez a Snoke-os kép nagyon durván jól néz ki az összes többi is amik most jöttek ki. Én viszont meghallgattam a spoileres videót és hát tényleg elég részletes. Tetszene amúgy valami hasonló. Válasz
Ody Mandrell Hozzászólás ideje: 2017. November 19. Hozzászólás ideje: 2017. November 19. Lehet tudni milyen forrás alapján készült az a videó? Válasz
luke19 Hozzászólás ideje: 2017. November 19. Hozzászólás ideje: 2017. November 19. (szerkesztve) Snoke nagyon ijesztő ezen a képen. Szegény Hux hogy bírja ezt a pofát figyelni. Szerkesztve: 2017. November 19. - luke19 Válasz
Rog Hozzászólás ideje: 2017. November 19. Szerző Hozzászólás ideje: 2017. November 19. Nagyképű dög ez a Snokey. Válasz
redknight Hozzászólás ideje: 2017. November 19. Hozzászólás ideje: 2017. November 19. 1 órával korábban, luke19 írta: A mesterről is jött egy cikk a Falconra való visszatérésről, és egy kép áááá nagyon szigorú, Luke nez ki a legjobban idáig!!!!! Válasz
Merr-Sonn Hozzászólás ideje: 2017. November 19. Hozzászólás ideje: 2017. November 19. Akkor Snoke nem titkolja a kinézetét az alkalmazottai elől. Válasz
Ody Mandrell Hozzászólás ideje: 2017. November 19. Hozzászólás ideje: 2017. November 19. Hologramokon még félelmetesebben néz ki. Válasz
Yoda József Hozzászólás ideje: 2017. November 19. Hozzászólás ideje: 2017. November 19. 1 órával korábban, Ody Mandrell írta: Lehet tudni milyen forrás alapján készült az a videó? A 4chan-on írta egy névtelen szivárogtató Válasz
redknight Hozzászólás ideje: 2017. November 19. Hozzászólás ideje: 2017. November 19. 2017. 11. 13. - 11:07 AM, Tarzaan írta: Teljes szinopszis az utolsó jedikhez (potenciális spoilers, esetleges BS) Elég életszerűnek tűnik. Ebben az esetben viszont tényleg SPOILERes. valaki leirná mirol is van szo a videoban? Válasz
Yoda József Hozzászólás ideje: 2017. November 19. Hozzászólás ideje: 2017. November 19. (szerkesztve) 26 perccel korábban, redknight írta: valaki leirná mirol is van szo a videoban? Már elkezdtem fordítani a 4chan-os leírást, de nem biztos, hogy egyhamar a végére érek... Angolul is jó lesz? Mert akkor bemásolom ide. Mivel ez még itt a spoileres topicban is komoly spoiler, így spoiler mögé rejtem! Senki ne olvasson tovább, aki nem akarja a film esetleges történetét előre tudni! Spoiler The movie starts right after The Force Awakens. We see ships escape from the explosion of Starkiller Base, and entering an enormous First Order ship (a triangle-shaped one). It's Snoke's command ship. After that we see Hux entering a room, and we hear Snoke talking to him, but we don't see him. He asks for Kylo Ren's immediate presence. Cut to Kylo Ren (half ?) asleep in a medical bay, and being healed. Someone wakes him up and tell him that Snoke is waiting for him. He gets up angrily, pick his replacement clothes (how he got is helmet back and new clothes is unexplained in the movie), and goes to Snoke. Snoke blames him for his failure, and says that Kylo's identity is no longer under protection in the First Order ranks to punish him. He sends him on a mission to hunt down the Resistance on their base. He asks him to kill Leia, as a form of apology to him. After that, we see the Resistance preparing the evacuation of their base. Finn is still asleep in a tank, and is loaded into a ship. We see random shots of Resistants fleeing the base, including Poe, Leia, and then Rose (new character) and her sister hugging themselves and wishing luck to both of them. The first ships evacuate the ground, but when they prepare the jump to lightspeed, a big Star Destroyer comes and stop them, along with regular ones and a lot of other ships. The big Star Destroyer has a big cannon that points to the planet and shoots, like a "bullet rain" if you see what i mean. (Pardon my english). The base is destroyed, and the Resistants who were still there die. The fight begins. Leia tries to supervise the fight but the Resistance is getting crushed. Rose's sister dies in the battle. We see the Kylo Ren shot from the trailer. He is actually destroying the hangar of a Resistance ship. He feels Leia, and Leia feels him through the force. He doesen't shoot the "control bay" where he assumes Leia is, but a random Tie Fighter ends up doing it. That's when he is all teary-eyed in his cockpit during the trailer. At the same time, Poe is with a bunch of Resistants in a ship and watch the scene in horror as he can't do anything. He disobeys Leia's orders (she doesen't want him to go alone and try to be a hero etc...) and tries to go to his X-Wing to fight, but the hangar (and the X-Wing) is destroyed by Kylo (in the bit I described earlier). Before that, he asks that a mechanician (Rose) looks after Finn for him, as he was near his med-tank (that's not the exact word). The Resistance is about to die when a ship comes out of lightspeed and saves the day. It's one of the remnant ships of the New Republic, with Hldo controlling it (The purple haired woman, Laura Dern). The remaining Resistance ships flee while Holdo's ship holds them off, then runs away too. We're now around 20 minutes into the movie. The movie tries to make the viewer believe that Leia is dead twice (or three times if you count the end). We don't know her fate after this scene, but she is alive and well, she left the controll room/bay/whatever when she felt Ben. After what's left of the Resistance flees the First Order, we cut to the island where Rey and Luke are. We get shots of the island, and then a shot of Rey approaching Luke, still with the saber in her hand. She gives it to him as she moves back, and he looks her as she just killed someone in front of him. Luke asks her some questions (How did you get this, who are you, etc...), then throws the saber back to her and asks her to leave. He walks away. She is frustrated and follows him, trying to motivate him, and that they need him. Luke ask who is they, and finally sees the Falcon. He turns to Rey, and then cut. We then see Luke far away from the POV of Chewbacca and R2D2. Some porg comes to them and Chewbacca chases them (They are barely in the movie, except for one who follows them in the end). Luke comes and meets Chewie and R2 in an "emotional" moment (the force theme/luke's theme plays at this moment) We then cut to a night scene, around a campfire. Lukes asks questions to Rey about herself, how she discovered she had the force, and says that he won't train her. Rey gets kinda angry and leaves them. We then cut back to the Resistance in their command ship, where we find out Leia is alive. She reunites with Holdo, who is an old friend, and Poe. Rose learns that her sister died, cries, than kinda forget about her for most of the movie. Finn awakes from his sleep while Rose is crying. She admires him, as he did great things for the Resistance, but he still sees himself as a coward. She helps him walk and lead him to Leia/Holdo/Poe. Poe hugs him, and Leia thanks him. Holdo does not appreciate him, as an ex-stormtrooper. Finn directly asks about what happened, and about Rey. Leia tells him that she has defeated Kylo Ren and that she is searching for Luke (she doesen't know she found him). We get a moment like in Return of the Jedi when Han learns Luke is a jedi, and it is supposed to be funny. Leia sends Finn on an urgent mission, as he knows how the First Order works. She asks him to go undercover to destroy the First Order's big destroyer (the one with the big gun, not snoke's one). He agrees directly, and Rose asks to come with him for no particular reason (maybe she got nothing left to loose, etc... who knows). The orange alien from Force Awakens is somehow on the ship too, and says to Finn that she's happy he didn't ran away from the fight etc... she tells him that he needs a skilled person to breach the ship's security, and says he needs to go to Cantonica on the city of canto bight to find a man named "DJ" (we don't know if it's his real name). Finn says goodbye to everyone, Leia and Poe asks him to take BB8 with him, as he could be useful (he is first unsure of taking him, but then accept it), and he then leaves with Rose and the droid. They leave the main ship (i think the name of the ship is the ramus ?) in a little ship and go to lightspeed. At the same time, Leia and Holdo are discussing what's gonna happen next, and where they will go. Leia then looks at a map and says Crait would be a good place, as it has an abandonned Rebel base. We then cut back to Luke/Rey. we get shots of rey training with her lightsaber against a rock, while luke watches behind her. He seems impressed, and asks her to come with him. He leads her to a place where she has to sit and meditate. She says she doesen't know how to do that, that she can't even try to do it. Luke then says that it's not what she must do, and that she must do it (callback to when yoda said "do or do not" etc... She closes her eyes while Luke asks her to breathe (basicially his lines from one of the trailers), what does she sees etc... She begins to have a vision (the one I mentionned earlier, but fairly incomplete, we can't see anything, as if we saw the scene from luke's pov), and gets visibly angry as rocks floats around her, and the ground breaks. She wakes up and Luke goes away, he says the line he said in the recent trailer, with the raw power. We then cut to Kylo/Ben inside Snoke's big destroyer, he is looking at a big factory (it is show in the trailer too). Hux comes next to him and says that Snoke wants to see him. Hux reprimands him and Kylo doesen't answer back. He goes to Snoke and he says that he is happy with his decision to kill his moter (it seems like he doesen't know she's not dead, or that kylo didn't shoot), but that now, he needs to find the girl (Rey), and bring her to him. Kylo resents Snoke, and he feels it. Kylo then goes away. Cut to the Resistance arriving on Crait, and Leia exploring the base. Poe wants to do something but he has to stay there with Leia, and he gets angered by it. Leia slaps him, and says that he needs to learn if he wants to be important. We cut to Cantonica, we get a few shots of the city then we get a shot of Finn's shuttle landing near it. He goes into town with Rose and asks BB8 to stay on the ship as he might be to recognisable. We then cut back to luke's island. it's all foggy and rey goes inside the dead tree and explores it. she finds books. Luke approaches and informs her that they are the journal of the whills, and explains her some things about the force that we already know. She says that she needs help, and asks him why he doesen't want to train her, and he says that it's time for the jedi to end. After that, >Finn and Rose search for DJ and find him in prison >They free him, than they run away >Kylo has a vision and suddenly knows where Rey and Luke are >Rey is getting more and more angry at Luke. >She lets her anger go and "that's not going to go the way you think" >Kylo arrives with some dudes >Luke kills them as Kylo goes for Rey >They fight and Rey falls into the water, unconcsious >Kylo saves her and wants to talk to her >When she wakes up she is still agressive, but then listen to what he have to say >He is tricking her into going to snoke >Luke finds them and get very angry >Rey and Kylo leave the island >Finn, Rose, BB-8 and DJ approach Crait and prepare to go on the big ship And then… >the first order tracked the resistance to Crait and are preparing the landing >The resistance is preparing the fight >Finn, Rose and DJ infiltrate the base while BB8 stays hidden, but get them in danger when he goes out and "talks" with another droid >They get caught >DJ offers his talent to get away from being killed >Rose is nearly killed by Phasma and her troops >The destroyer is shaken by an attack of the Republic ship >Explosions >Finn takes this chance and grabs a stick, then fights Phasma and kills her >In the big destroyer, Rey is brought to Snoke >Already described that he "tortures" her and tries to suck the force out of her >Snoke asks him to kill her, but he can't. Snoke says that even though he succeeded, he was just a useless pawn he asks his guards to kill him. >Kylo is realising he was a tool >He kills the approaching guards and tries to defend himself >He kills all the guards >Can't come close to Snoke because he keeps pushing him >Uses the force to block Snoke from draining Rey, but fails. >The battle is raging, Finn, Rose and BB8 land on the planet >They try to stop the walkers with mining speeders. Finn, Poe and Rose are in said speeders >Luke arrives in Snoke's room and fights Kylo, believing he is still bad, while Snoke laughs and drains Rey >They both realise they are stupid >They stop Snoke, and Luke asks Kylo to get Rey in the falcon while he keeps Snoke away >Chewie wants to attack Kylo first >Luke rejoins them in the falcon >What happened ? We don't know. >They go on Crait. >The Walkers get to the base and almost destroy it, Leia is badly injured but alive. >The Falcon fights some Tie fighters and they pick up Finn, Poe and Rose, their speeder have been destroyed >Rey reunite with Finn and Poe (who she met briefly in FA apparently), and meets Rose. >They are all impressed by Luke and diguisted by Kylo >Chewie, BB8 , R2 and a porg who followed them stay on the falcon to try to buy them some time >They go against FO soldiers entering the base >Rey/Luke/Kylo/Finn/Poe/Rose got off the falcon ofc, and something is not right with Rey >Kylo is acting like he is still with the First Order and leads his troops to death, helping Finn and Rose at the same time >He then goes to Leia with Luke, who is in a "coma" in the med bay, with 3PO at her side >Holdo died >Rey and Poe holds the entrance, and he tries not to be too heroic >Rose and Finn helps the remaining Resistants fleeing >Poe gets knocked down >A bunch of guards (other ones) approach as Rey is freezed >Snoke is with them, and he shows Rey her true origins, and says that Luke killed her (mother, from the previous descriptions) and that the Jedi have to end because of their hypocrisy, etc... And that Luke Skywalker is not a jedi anymore. He says that he could unlock her true potential, she then agrees to come with him, he succesfuly controlled her, just like he had a hold on Ben before. He has been trying to control her for a long time, but started doing so succesfuly when she beat Kylo in FA, and that's why she is so angry at Luke, or anything. He manipulates her. >Luke and Kylo load Leia into a ship >Finn and Rose get Poe, and Finn is completly destroyed as he saw Rey going away with Snoke. >The Falcon is damaged but still running, and gets Finn, Poe and Rose, who are separed from the rest of the team >Luke and Kylo go on Leia's ship. >They all flee Crait >Ellipsis >The Resistance is almost dead >Kylo/Ben promises to Luke and Leia's unconscious body that he will find Rey and Snoke >Finn and Ben team up reluctantly, each one going on their own path trying to find Rey. >Poe is the leader of the Resistance >Shots of Snoke with Rey. >Last shot is Luke and Poe in the med bay with Leia's body looking to Ben and Finn going away >end Szerkesztve: 2017. November 19. - Yoda József 1 Válasz
Bomarr Hozzászólás ideje: 2017. November 19. Hozzászólás ideje: 2017. November 19. Hát ez igaznak tűnik és igazából marhajól is hangzik. Középtájon ahol kezd nagyon beindulni abbahagytam. Azt hiszem ennyi spoiler elég volt. Válasz
redknight Hozzászólás ideje: 2017. November 19. Hozzászólás ideje: 2017. November 19. 2 órával ezelőtt, Yoda József írta: Már elkezdtem fordítani a 4chan-os leírást, de nem biztos, hogy egyhamar a végére érek... Angolul is jó lesz? Mert akkor bemásolom ide. Mivel ez még itt a spoileres topicban is komoly spoiler, így spoiler mögé rejtem! Senki ne olvasson tovább, aki nem akarja a film esetleges történetét előre tudni! Spoileres tartalom megtekintése The movie starts right after The Force Awakens. We see ships escape from the explosion of Starkiller Base, and entering an enormous First Order ship (a triangle-shaped one). It's Snoke's command ship. After that we see Hux entering a room, and we hear Snoke talking to him, but we don't see him. He asks for Kylo Ren's immediate presence. Cut to Kylo Ren (half ?) asleep in a medical bay, and being healed. Someone wakes him up and tell him that Snoke is waiting for him. He gets up angrily, pick his replacement clothes (how he got is helmet back and new clothes is unexplained in the movie), and goes to Snoke. Snoke blames him for his failure, and says that Kylo's identity is no longer under protection in the First Order ranks to punish him. He sends him on a mission to hunt down the Resistance on their base. He asks him to kill Leia, as a form of apology to him. After that, we see the Resistance preparing the evacuation of their base. Finn is still asleep in a tank, and is loaded into a ship. We see random shots of Resistants fleeing the base, including Poe, Leia, and then Rose (new character) and her sister hugging themselves and wishing luck to both of them. The first ships evacuate the ground, but when they prepare the jump to lightspeed, a big Star Destroyer comes and stop them, along with regular ones and a lot of other ships. The big Star Destroyer has a big cannon that points to the planet and shoots, like a "bullet rain" if you see what i mean. (Pardon my english). The base is destroyed, and the Resistants who were still there die. The fight begins. Leia tries to supervise the fight but the Resistance is getting crushed. Rose's sister dies in the battle. We see the Kylo Ren shot from the trailer. He is actually destroying the hangar of a Resistance ship. He feels Leia, and Leia feels him through the force. He doesen't shoot the "control bay" where he assumes Leia is, but a random Tie Fighter ends up doing it. That's when he is all teary-eyed in his cockpit during the trailer. At the same time, Poe is with a bunch of Resistants in a ship and watch the scene in horror as he can't do anything. He disobeys Leia's orders (she doesen't want him to go alone and try to be a hero etc...) and tries to go to his X-Wing to fight, but the hangar (and the X-Wing) is destroyed by Kylo (in the bit I described earlier). Before that, he asks that a mechanician (Rose) looks after Finn for him, as he was near his med-tank (that's not the exact word). The Resistance is about to die when a ship comes out of lightspeed and saves the day. It's one of the remnant ships of the New Republic, with Hldo controlling it (The purple haired woman, Laura Dern). The remaining Resistance ships flee while Holdo's ship holds them off, then runs away too. We're now around 20 minutes into the movie. The movie tries to make the viewer believe that Leia is dead twice (or three times if you count the end). We don't know her fate after this scene, but she is alive and well, she left the controll room/bay/whatever when she felt Ben. After what's left of the Resistance flees the First Order, we cut to the island where Rey and Luke are. We get shots of the island, and then a shot of Rey approaching Luke, still with the saber in her hand. She gives it to him as she moves back, and he looks her as she just killed someone in front of him. Luke asks her some questions (How did you get this, who are you, etc...), then throws the saber back to her and asks her to leave. He walks away. She is frustrated and follows him, trying to motivate him, and that they need him. Luke ask who is they, and finally sees the Falcon. He turns to Rey, and then cut. We then see Luke far away from the POV of Chewbacca and R2D2. Some porg comes to them and Chewbacca chases them (They are barely in the movie, except for one who follows them in the end). Luke comes and meets Chewie and R2 in an "emotional" moment (the force theme/luke's theme plays at this moment) We then cut to a night scene, around a campfire. Lukes asks questions to Rey about herself, how she discovered she had the force, and says that he won't train her. Rey gets kinda angry and leaves them. We then cut back to the Resistance in their command ship, where we find out Leia is alive. She reunites with Holdo, who is an old friend, and Poe. Rose learns that her sister died, cries, than kinda forget about her for most of the movie. Finn awakes from his sleep while Rose is crying. She admires him, as he did great things for the Resistance, but he still sees himself as a coward. She helps him walk and lead him to Leia/Holdo/Poe. Poe hugs him, and Leia thanks him. Holdo does not appreciate him, as an ex-stormtrooper. Finn directly asks about what happened, and about Rey. Leia tells him that she has defeated Kylo Ren and that she is searching for Luke (she doesen't know she found him). We get a moment like in Return of the Jedi when Han learns Luke is a jedi, and it is supposed to be funny. Leia sends Finn on an urgent mission, as he knows how the First Order works. She asks him to go undercover to destroy the First Order's big destroyer (the one with the big gun, not snoke's one). He agrees directly, and Rose asks to come with him for no particular reason (maybe she got nothing left to loose, etc... who knows). The orange alien from Force Awakens is somehow on the ship too, and says to Finn that she's happy he didn't ran away from the fight etc... she tells him that he needs a skilled person to breach the ship's security, and says he needs to go to Cantonica on the city of canto bight to find a man named "DJ" (we don't know if it's his real name). Finn says goodbye to everyone, Leia and Poe asks him to take BB8 with him, as he could be useful (he is first unsure of taking him, but then accept it), and he then leaves with Rose and the droid. They leave the main ship (i think the name of the ship is the ramus ?) in a little ship and go to lightspeed. At the same time, Leia and Holdo are discussing what's gonna happen next, and where they will go. Leia then looks at a map and says Crait would be a good place, as it has an abandonned Rebel base. We then cut back to Luke/Rey. we get shots of rey training with her lightsaber against a rock, while luke watches behind her. He seems impressed, and asks her to come with him. He leads her to a place where she has to sit and meditate. She says she doesen't know how to do that, that she can't even try to do it. Luke then says that it's not what she must do, and that she must do it (callback to when yoda said "do or do not" etc... She closes her eyes while Luke asks her to breathe (basicially his lines from one of the trailers), what does she sees etc... She begins to have a vision (the one I mentionned earlier, but fairly incomplete, we can't see anything, as if we saw the scene from luke's pov), and gets visibly angry as rocks floats around her, and the ground breaks. She wakes up and Luke goes away, he says the line he said in the recent trailer, with the raw power. We then cut to Kylo/Ben inside Snoke's big destroyer, he is looking at a big factory (it is show in the trailer too). Hux comes next to him and says that Snoke wants to see him. Hux reprimands him and Kylo doesen't answer back. He goes to Snoke and he says that he is happy with his decision to kill his moter (it seems like he doesen't know she's not dead, or that kylo didn't shoot), but that now, he needs to find the girl (Rey), and bring her to him. Kylo resents Snoke, and he feels it. Kylo then goes away. Cut to the Resistance arriving on Crait, and Leia exploring the base. Poe wants to do something but he has to stay there with Leia, and he gets angered by it. Leia slaps him, and says that he needs to learn if he wants to be important. We cut to Cantonica, we get a few shots of the city then we get a shot of Finn's shuttle landing near it. He goes into town with Rose and asks BB8 to stay on the ship as he might be to recognisable. We then cut back to luke's island. it's all foggy and rey goes inside the dead tree and explores it. she finds books. Luke approaches and informs her that they are the journal of the whills, and explains her some things about the force that we already know. She says that she needs help, and asks him why he doesen't want to train her, and he says that it's time for the jedi to end. After that, >Finn and Rose search for DJ and find him in prison >They free him, than they run away >Kylo has a vision and suddenly knows where Rey and Luke are >Rey is getting more and more angry at Luke. >She lets her anger go and "that's not going to go the way you think" >Kylo arrives with some dudes >Luke kills them as Kylo goes for Rey >They fight and Rey falls into the water, unconcsious >Kylo saves her and wants to talk to her >When she wakes up she is still agressive, but then listen to what he have to say >He is tricking her into going to snoke >Luke finds them and get very angry >Rey and Kylo leave the island >Finn, Rose, BB-8 and DJ approach Crait and prepare to go on the big ship And then… >the first order tracked the resistance to Crait and are preparing the landing >The resistance is preparing the fight >Finn, Rose and DJ infiltrate the base while BB8 stays hidden, but get them in danger when he goes out and "talks" with another droid >They get caught >DJ offers his talent to get away from being killed >Rose is nearly killed by Phasma and her troops >The destroyer is shaken by an attack of the Republic ship >Explosions >Finn takes this chance and grabs a stick, then fights Phasma and kills her >In the big destroyer, Rey is brought to Snoke >Already described that he "tortures" her and tries to suck the force out of her >Snoke asks him to kill her, but he can't. Snoke says that even though he succeeded, he was just a useless pawn he asks his guards to kill him. >Kylo is realising he was a tool >He kills the approaching guards and tries to defend himself >He kills all the guards >Can't come close to Snoke because he keeps pushing him >Uses the force to block Snoke from draining Rey, but fails. >The battle is raging, Finn, Rose and BB8 land on the planet >They try to stop the walkers with mining speeders. Finn, Poe and Rose are in said speeders >Luke arrives in Snoke's room and fights Kylo, believing he is still bad, while Snoke laughs and drains Rey >They both realise they are stupid >They stop Snoke, and Luke asks Kylo to get Rey in the falcon while he keeps Snoke away >Chewie wants to attack Kylo first >Luke rejoins them in the falcon >What happened ? We don't know. >They go on Crait. >The Walkers get to the base and almost destroy it, Leia is badly injured but alive. >The Falcon fights some Tie fighters and they pick up Finn, Poe and Rose, their speeder have been destroyed >Rey reunite with Finn and Poe (who she met briefly in FA apparently), and meets Rose. >They are all impressed by Luke and diguisted by Kylo >Chewie, BB8 , R2 and a porg who followed them stay on the falcon to try to buy them some time >They go against FO soldiers entering the base >Rey/Luke/Kylo/Finn/Poe/Rose got off the falcon ofc, and something is not right with Rey >Kylo is acting like he is still with the First Order and leads his troops to death, helping Finn and Rose at the same time >He then goes to Leia with Luke, who is in a "coma" in the med bay, with 3PO at her side >Holdo died >Rey and Poe holds the entrance, and he tries not to be too heroic >Rose and Finn helps the remaining Resistants fleeing >Poe gets knocked down >A bunch of guards (other ones) approach as Rey is freezed >Snoke is with them, and he shows Rey her true origins, and says that Luke killed her (mother, from the previous descriptions) and that the Jedi have to end because of their hypocrisy, etc... And that Luke Skywalker is not a jedi anymore. He says that he could unlock her true potential, she then agrees to come with him, he succesfuly controlled her, just like he had a hold on Ben before. He has been trying to control her for a long time, but started doing so succesfuly when she beat Kylo in FA, and that's why she is so angry at Luke, or anything. He manipulates her. >Luke and Kylo load Leia into a ship >Finn and Rose get Poe, and Finn is completly destroyed as he saw Rey going away with Snoke. >The Falcon is damaged but still running, and gets Finn, Poe and Rose, who are separed from the rest of the team >Luke and Kylo go on Leia's ship. >They all flee Crait >Ellipsis >The Resistance is almost dead >Kylo/Ben promises to Luke and Leia's unconscious body that he will find Rey and Snoke >Finn and Ben team up reluctantly, each one going on their own path trying to find Rey. >Poe is the leader of the Resistance >Shots of Snoke with Rey. >Last shot is Luke and Poe in the med bay with Leia's body looking to Ben and Finn going away >end Köszönöm Válasz
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